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RE: My Great Grandmother Came For a Visit....

in #community2 years ago

This is a nice little memory here! I was very fortunate to get to know and spend time with my great grandfather when I was younger, he died when I was 19 or 20 I think and he was a character. I can remember him now asking for a hot dog and a shot of annisette, my family's famous homemade liquor. Those were the days that's for sure! Fond memories and ones that I'm really glad that I got to enjoy because they, even with their challenges, are fascinating people and we can certainly learn a lot from them!

I love these types of dreams, though I don't have many myself of my relatives that have since moved on. I wonder why that is but likely won't know for one reason or another. There would certainly be some welcome dreams to sit with my grandfather's, the only ones I actually got to know as my grandmothers died either before I was born or when I was pretty little.

I'm hoping to enjoy one of these pleasant dreams in the coming weeks, who knows, it may happen!


That is so nice that you were able to spend time with your great grandfather. Priceless memories !

We would always go to my Great Grandparents house at Christmas. My Grandpa Webster was a child at heart about Christmas and theirs was the first tree I ever saw the electric bubble lights on. I was always so mesmerized by them.

We did get to visit with them now and then, but I never really spent any one-on-one time with either of them. Who knew they would pass before I ever got to know more about the real people that they were? My Grandmother did put on a huge meal one time and invited my older sister and me and our very young husbands to her house. It was so much fun to be just the five of us. She had the best linens on the table and put out the fine china and crystal as if we were royalty. That is the only time we were able to do that before time ran out.

I hope you do get to have a nice night-time visit. Maybe he will come since he knows that would make you happy.

Thank you for stopping over !