What if we help people by warning them if they leave an overpriced iPad on the back seat of the car. That just invites thieves to replace the iPad with a big rock.
People often point at theives, but forget to think about their own behaviour.
Sure, nobody should steal anotherman's overpriced gadgets. But it's cool to say to people... If i was a thief then that gadget would soon be mine....
Or, that wallet is a real challenge for newbie pickpockets as you are lucky enough not to be spotted by a pro.
What if nobody would be poor. Thats a tricky one.
Since there are always those who never have enough.
The wannahave mindset is created by the media/ads.
Once nobody is poor, then everybody should have an 'i have enough crap' mindset.
Maybe this is where we need to start at steemit?
Kill the whales...
Whale suicide?
o boy what am i saying....
When is a whale a whale.
When is equality equal.
Once all whales are dead and we have enough ... hmmm then we ale are plankton? Where does this end?
We all need satisfaction, All we need is satisfaction? When we have satisfaction then we need less useless stuff.