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RE: YOU are the BeesKnees! Week 1 of 9

in #community6 years ago

Hey @starjewel. Nice seeing you! For me, I definitely wouldn't mind, but I'm not sure if our two redfishes can handle another added week. I don't want to add any hardship their way. Let met tag them and ask k? @headchange and @eoj, do you two mind if we extend to 10 weeks?

You're a week behind though @starjewel, so if they are okay with extending, you would have to send in 2 steem by tomorrow. I know the others won't mind. Let me know if you are still interested.


That works for me too! The only thing I need help is with remembering, as my new-daddy brain is a little fuzzy these days! :)

Of course I won't mind. That will put us ending on Christmas week. Somehow that just seems perfect.

Pefect 10 my friend 😊

@beeyou... Ok, thank you, I see that you guys accept me 😊 I am on EST time zone, just logged in now. I just sent you the 2 Steem. Excited!

I'm glad @headchange and @eoj got back to us @starjewel. I did get the 2 steem. I'm supposed to announce this week's pick on Saturday but I had such a long day and falling asleep as I'm writing this. The post will be out tomorrow everyone. 😐