Lord please Bless the town of Prescott Valley, Arizona and America to know who you really are. You are the Glory, the Power, the Kingdom and our salvation, our saviour you were and ever were may your Kingdom come in Jesus Holy and Sacred name Amen

in #community7 years ago (edited)

Jesus Loves me this I know for the bible tells me so John 3:16, and John 10:10 also read Romans 8:1 and No evil shall befall me for the Lord of Israel will be my protection and every tongue that rises against me in judgment he shall condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their Righteousness is of me thus sayith the Lord Isaiah 54:17
I Peter 2:9 Establishes I am a Royal Priesthood a Holy Nation. I am a peculiar person called out of Darkness and into His marvelous light.
I am the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ and the enemy of my soul flees from me because I resist him. I am saved and washed in the blood of Jesus.
Lord I pray that those may prosper that love Jerusalem and that peace will be within them and prosperity in their houses according to Psalms 122: 6-9
Glory be to God. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! He has covered me with his blood shed at Calvary and has washed me clean with his Holy blood and water shed at Calvary.
I know No weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue which rises against me in judgment You shall condemn Lord... "Righteousness is from me," Says the Lord.
I love you so much Lord, my Lord my teacher, my God. You are so Holy, so kind, so Loving. I pray that more people will know you and will turn from evil and will turn to you for the advisory fless from us who are with you and if God is with us who can be against us? No one. This I know, for the bible tells me so. I love you lord and I love my bible. I read the King James Version because that is the most best bible to read and it pleases the Lord that I read it. I love all mankind, but I love the Lord so much more. May peace be with us, the peace that only the Lord gives and thank you Lord for reversing all evil sent upon all aspects of my life and my bloodline, for allowing me to have wisdom, peace and understanding of the mystery of the Gospel of Peace. I love you Lord. May your will be done and your Kingdom come for YOU are the power and the Glory and the Kingdom forever and ever, you are the great I Am and I love you. You always were and you always will be. Blessed are those who know you and who cover themselves in your Holy blood and water. I love you Jesus. I know you love me nd you chose me before the foundations of the Earth were laid because you were willing to be patient with me and make me Holy like you.
I love you Lord. Thank you for blessing me. My enemies are fleeing before me. They are destroying themselves. Praise be to God. I love God. I love my creator. In the beginning was the word. The word was with God and the word was God. That word is Jesus. I love you Jesus. You are my father, you are my King, you are my salvation, my amour and my life. Without you I would be nothing and no one but through you I am washed clean by your amazing grace and your sacrifice. May your Kingdom come and your will be done in Jesus Holy and Sacred name Amen.
Hallelujah! Praise be to the most High and one true God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit that Dwells within me. I love you so much Lord Jesus Christ my savior!

The word of the Lord came through me when I humbled myself before him and invited him to dwell within me by asking the Holy Spirit to dwell within me. I pray this prayer to the Lord. Lord Please bless the town of Prescott Valley Arizona with the fear of the lord. to know you so we can all love you King of Kings Jesus Christ our Lord God. Please help more people know your mighty and glory Power. You are everything to me and soon more people will know you and I love you so much. May your will be done and your Kingdom come for you are the Kingdom and the Glory and the Power forever and ever and ever amen. Lord please bless our President Donald J. Trump and let your glory shine through him, through me, through our town and through our country. Help us all be washed clean and made righteous. Thank you Lord for blessing the water underfoot and for welcoming all the new home owners into our town. Thank you for sanctifying our land and for allowing your Holy presence to dwell within our bodies and within our land. You are omni present and everywhere all the time and I love you so much. May your will be done and your Kingdom come in Jesus Holy and Sacred name Amen.