Just remember, the more you comment, the better. There's nothing wrong with repetitive comments; if you have a spam policy you'd like to post every time you receive spam, it's expected that would be repetitive. If you want to say thank you over and over, that's repetitive, too, but perfectly acceptable!
Until you get a slider, you will need to budget your upvotes, but you'll probably do more community building by upvoting big comments than posts. The good news here is that you'll get relatively few big comments. But cherish the people who give them to you and reward them when you can. 😊
Thank you for your advice. This is definitely one of those articles that ought to be pointed out to new minnows repeatedly and often!! (Along with lectures that upvotes aren't like facebook likes and you need to use them sparingly and not on things over a week old) Because I am active on discord, I actually get big comments on more than one occasion, but you're right--my discord friends won't expect me to upvote them, as they know I'm a struggling minnow. I should focus on those outsiders.