News Flash - Trump has Sex with...

in #commentary7 years ago

Do We Really Care Who Trump has Sex With?

I saw a headline that said “10 things that will soon disappear.” Of course you absolutely have to read an article like that. What if something important to you is on the list?

Unfortunately this story wasn’t on the list.


In keeping with the old news adage, “If it bleeds, it leads.”, well it’s bleeding!

What’s bleeding?

My brain.

This isn’t news. It’s more along the lines of gossip.

How Trump (or anyone) gets their jollies is no one’s business. As long as it’s consenting adults, who cares.




Wow! This post is a perfect example of a click-bait. But it is executed so well, and most of all so honestly, that I think it deserves an upvote. Especially if the author's name is @beyondordinary. Btw, who is Daniels? Oh, never mind, I couldn't care less, really.

It would work for that, wouldn’t it. I guess we are so exposed to it on just about every webpage, we start to pick up those bad habits unconsciously.

I would much rather do posts about the garden and such, if only winter would go away. I have a room full of plants chomping at the bit.

Trump will be greatest President in HISTORY
