Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? A Post Suggested By My Son

in #comics9 years ago

So, I haven't written a post in a while and though I've had a few ideas they're not finished and ready to be posted. Instead of letting my blog sit unattended I asked my 4yr old what I should write about. The answer;

A Brief History

The teenage mutants ninja turtles first appeared in American culture in 1984, in a comic book published by Mirage Studios in Dover, New Hampshire. The first issue was self published funded by a family loan and a tax refund, and was meant to be a parody of four of the more famous comics of the time including Marvels Daredevil and New Mutants. In 1984 the first TMNT figures were produced by Dark Horse Miniatures (which later became Dark Horse Comics) and later in 1987 the first TMNT action figures were produced by Playmate Toys.

The first animated series went through several iterations before being picked up by CBS in 1987 (which is the best version, and the one I grew up with). After that the teenage freaks were forever a part of American pop culture. Their merchandise could be found in every store and in every form. I remember vividly begging my mom to buy the TMNT Ooze bubblegum that came in a toothpaste like tube and came out in the same consistency (can't find a picture of it sadly). The tv show lasted for 10 seasons, but what most people don't know is that that comics were much darker and violent than the light-hearted T.V. show.

first issue cover Cover of the first TMNT comic in 1984

Weird Facts

The TMNT comics were much more mature than any of the TV shows or movies.

Violent TMNT issue

The live action TV show saw the introduction of Venus. A female turtle named for the sculpture Venus De Milo, against the original writers wishes.

Venus De Milo

When the Ninja Turtles finally appeared in the U.K. they changed the name to 'Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles' due to the violent implications of the word Ninja. This name change is said be the cause of its so not so great overseas reception. This name change was also carried over to all the merchandise even the video games.

Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles

The ninjas met the Power Rangers!! It's true, in the series Power Rangers In Space they have a run in with the turtle in an episode called "Shell Shocked". This one even came as a surprise to me.

Shell Shocked, TMNT meet the Power Rangers Alpha 5 and Donatello

And last but not least, the man who played Splinter in all of the movies is the same man who plays Elmo and the baby dinosaur from the show Dinosaurs as well as many other Jim Henson favorites; Kevin Clash.

Kevin Clash

Thank you for reading, hope you learned something! If I got something wrong or you just have another interesting fact please leave it in the comments. Take it easy.





Max is so silly!

Yeah, well I had no idea what to write, so I figured why not ask a four year old at least it'll be a surprise.

Elmo Splinter Baby