Looking At Seer; part 4; A Very Special Edition; "Forever Skyward" - A "Bonus Featurette" of the Seer Comic Book

in #comics7 years ago (edited)

For the past couple months, following the posting of all the pages to date of my creator owned comic Seer, I've been delving into these "Looking At Seer" columns and providing some "bonus content," that explores the making of a comic, unpublished artwork and preperatory sketches, etc. For those who have followed along I can't thank you enough for the positive support and interaction you've given me all along!

This edition of "Looking At Seer" is a very special one. I spent the evening digging through my admittedly poorly organized art archives to find the pages you'll see here. But I can guarantee I won't let them get lost in the shuffle again, for they are truly very special and inspirational to me.


As you may already know, the first Seer story appeared in an anthology comic known as Digital Webbing Presents, birthed from the digitalwebbing.com message boards. Initially I was only writing Seer, and Brad Green did a wonderful job on the artwork for the first 5 page tale, "Perceptions." Brad was unable to continue with more pages, and for the next story I had in mind to continue the tale, I turned to another gentleman I'd met through the message boards by the name of Jeremy Dale.

Jeremy turned in these wonderful penciled pages, doing a great job adding his style and emotion to a rather slow story. It picked up immediately following the events of "Perceptions." In a nutshell, James has returned home, news coverage of his defeat in the ring playing in the background. His manager calls to inform him of the revocation of his boxing license and James finds himself plagued by dark visions haunting him from the polished black tile and granite of his kitchen. The only solace he can find is in a breakdown and bleaching his world with a combination of spilled milk and flour to drive some darkness away.






I began the process of inking the pages, but Jeremy had other commitments and our plans for further pages fell through. At that point with no hard feelings at all I shelved the pages and began work on Seer: Round One instead, taking control of the artwork in full in an attempt to keep it consistent and finishable, which is much less easy when collaborating with a team... especially when offering little to no pay to your collaborators.

I watched Jeremy develop and gain success through the years. He was an immensely hard worker and wonderful guy. I regret that I only knew him online and never met in person. Jeremy passed away unexpectedly in 2014 at the age of 34. Prior to that he'd achieved his dreams of being a working comics professional on titles such as G.I. Joe and his own creator owned fantasy epic Skyward, as well as marrying his love Kelly.


art from Skyward by Jeremy Dale

Jeremy continues to inspire me. I wrote about him in my very first Steemit introduction post almost two years ago. I heard of his passing just days before I found myself in the hospital dangerously close to death myself. I have a second chance ahead of me and still haven't achieved a fraction of what Jeremy did in his time, and that thought does haunt and drive me.

Sharing these pages and this chapter in the evolution of Seer is quite timely now. There is currently a Kickstarter campaign by Kelly Dale. At the time of Jeremy's death in 2014, Skyward #9 had just been finished and left on a cliffhanger.

Using Jeremy's notes and materials, Kelly has hired an all star creative team including writer Barbara Kesel and artist Shannon Gallant to create an issue #10 that will bring some closure and send off Jeremy's Skyward right. The Kickstarter campaign ends on what would have been Jeremy and Kelly's 15th wedding anniversary and when successful will result in the publication of a Skyward omnibus edition to include the entirety of the series with the newly crafted material as well, just in time for Kelly to share it with the world at Jeremy's favorite convention, HeroesCon in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 10.31.56 PM.png(https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/271738900/jeremy-dale-skyward-omnibus/description)

Please consider supporting this wonderful project and giving Skyward and Jeremy the honor and closure they deserve.

I'll be back with more of my archives in the not too distant future, but for now... forget Seer...


Forever Skyward!

-Bryan "the Imp" Imhoff

Follow me @bryan-imhoff and view some of my comics @spottyproduction and reviews @exploreunlimited!
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Jeremy's pages look so good, I mean it is just a story all visual and he did a great job, and the growth he had into the other projects like Skyward. What an awesome Kickstarter for his memory. If I send you $25 worth of Steem would you mind sending it to that page? (I'm sending anyways so don't say no!) Grab that signed thank you card from his wife and the dog for yourself!

Dude, totally generous of you! I'm backing at the $50 level already to get the Omnibus. If this post does well I was totally planning on sending some extra funds along as well. It's actually the first Kickstarter I've ever backed so I'm kinda new to it. I will absolutely include your donation and I'll see what happens in terms of adjusting up my reward level or potentially getting multiple Omnibuses (Omnibi?). If I can get more than 1 consider your $25 matched and I'll get it in your hands. Thanks again!

Sorry to hear you lost a friend so young. Who knows what might have been.

I didn’t know Jeremy well, but the parallels that did exist such as age, passions, & health problems all made his passing much more impactful to me. I’m glad he left a legacy like Skyward.

A fantastic showing- definitely resteeming these wonderful sequentials.

Thank you for sharing the post. I’m going to invest all of the SBD rewards into the Kickstarter to help Kelly publish the Skyward omnibus, so any attention is wonderful!


So cool to see the physical drawings! I'm a sucker for things done the old fashioned way, so seeing these pencils/inks on your work station is so neat :)

Going through my old art pile really gave me the desire to do some traditional work again... but I shook it off and kept on the iPad for now. The productivity benefits are just too much and I get a better end result overall. But there's always the next page to consider...

Yeah, I suppose I'm lucky that I don't have to worry about tackling the writing from a romantic medium like the typewriter, or a modern one like my mac. Cause nobody could tell the difference haha.

Maybe drawing by hand is what you do once they pay you the big bucks and you can take whatever time you want!

I'm sorry you lost your friend in 2014. Great pictures. I love the one where he's trying to get up but can't then the next panel he just lays down. I feel like the art has been consistent throughout Seer (I've read what's been on Steemit). I also checked out your intro story. How is your Colon feeling now? That's sounds pretty damn scary. I hope you are pain free and continue to put out great work.

Thanks for the well wishes. I’ve been doing better than I have in a decade. I have no idea how my colon is feeling because we went our separate ways! 😄 It’s totally gone now. I considered asking if I could keep it in a jar but decided against it...


Wow. Jeremy sounds pretty sweet. Sucks what happened.
His art is so nice! I’ll have to check out that Kickstarter.

It's nice to get a sneak peek on your work process. Love those original inked pages. A very powerful scene.

The story of your friend Jeremy is very moving. His wife is doing the most amazing thing. I'll try my best to support the project.

I often wonder what would happen to my own work if I died suddenly. I don't think my wife would organize such a nice conclusion. Maybe I should set a smart contract with various artists...

It is wonderful to see the behind the scenes on this. Incredible artwork!

You are so incredibly talented! These comics are so well drawn. Bravo!

Thank you for the kind words, but to clarify, all the art you see here was done by Jeremy Dale, an exceptional talent who passed too soon in 2014.

ahh, thank you for the clarification. Still incredible artwork though!

wow I didn't know about him, hie's a great artist :D