A couple weeks ago I posted the first installment of "Looking At Seer", a column to show some behind the scenes material for my comic Seer, and my how the time has flown! It's been a while since I've gone this long without making a post of any kind, so I wanted to take a few moments to rectify that with the next part!
"I Thought It Would Be Zombies..."posted his first update and I'll be posting my official announcement and "progress report" later this week. Keep an eye out!Since my last post I've been busy, having had the opportunity to once again meet up with @kommienezuspadt, and begun work in earnest on my next comic, . That work is given extra motivation by a wager/good nature shaming initiative that I'm taking part in with @kommienezuspadt and @artistchristian. @kommienezuspadt has already
But I digress... Let's step back in time a bit to a time when Seer: Round One had just been printed and released. In the year prior in which I was working on Seer, I had exhibited at comic conventions in Philadelphia and Baltimore, selling "ashcan" previews and just taking the opportunity to meet some folks. Once Seer was in print, I returned to Philadelphia with copies in hand, better marketing materials, and a couple 11x17" art prints.

One item I had was a new "Seer"centric business card design. I did the illustration and hired Jason Moser to provide colors.
Next up were a couple art prints. One I've shared before, an early promo image of James in his corner which became the back cover of the printed issue. Again, pencils by me and colors by Jason Moser.

The second print was "Philadelphia Exclusive" (though I didn't sell out so it may become "Steemadelphia Exclusive" at some point!) It featured an image of James and his shadows on the steps of the iconic Philadelphia Museum of Art, made famous by Rocky's triumphant training run. A great tie in to a comic about a boxer.

This image featured pencils by me, Bryan Imhoff with colors by Roderic "BLUEPEN" Rodriguez
It was a pleasure to work with both of these talented colorists. It's hard to believe it was many years ago! It's my hope that the power of Steem will allow me to fund more projects and collaborate with many more talented individuals all over the world in the years to come.
San Diego Comicon this summer! He's blogged about it several times (including here) so be sure to follow along with his experience and support his convention endeavors!I also think back on my experiences exhibiting at Philadelphia and Baltimore and what I've learned to apply to future convention adventures in the years to come. In recent years I've attended both conventions as a spectator and seen the changes and growth. I'm eager to dive back into the "convention scene" again. On that note, our very own @beekart is exhibiting at the mother of all comic conventions,
Thanks for taking a look at these extra illustrations! In the next "Looking at Seer" column, we'll travel back in time for a look at some of the earliest concept sketches and artwork... including the first time Seer ever appeared on paper!
I really like Jason's colors on your work, I like black and white sometimes too much, but his coloring really works well with your art. This is not to take away from Roderic's, just Jason's has a certain shine quality I can't probably describe well in words. Awesome material, very good colabs.
Thanks! It's also interesting because on these pieces they were both coloring directly over pencils, no inks. That was getting pretty popular at the time as printing processes could finally handle it, and I was experimenting, having enjoyed work like ChrisCross on Captain Marvel which used a similar approach.
I have finally caught up and finished every Seer installment on the STEEM blockchain. I meant to do that before the end of last year, but my schedule became turbulent and I spent some time out of the country. Can I just say, what a wonderful prologue and first issue!
I'm so bummed out that I slacked off on finishing it before, so sorry for that. Consider this comment a review of everything so far.
The depiction of James' internal struggle was masterfully done. I like how you used the entire environment at your disposal. The unrestrained text boxes really did wonders for the flow. That scene at the river, man... stuff of nightmares! I really like how you depicted his inner demons, especially in Perceptions.
I'm a bit confused though, are they meant to be real or just figments of his imagination. You could go either way, and at the beginning I chose to think of them as a personification of his inner demons. But, by the end (and considering the title) I'm not so sure anymore.
In any case, it has all been wonderful so far. Looking forward to the 2nd round! Also, I love the image on the steps above!
Thanks for taking the time, and I love your review and reaction! I’m glad it hit the mark of not knowing whether these things are “real” or not. It’s something I hope to explore further and resolve someday, but I know you’ve stumbled onto my new project that’s occupying my time at the moment as well! I lament that there’s not enough hours in the day!
LAMENT!! A word I'm all too familiar with. Looking forward to how it all turns out. As you'll find out, I'm a very enthusiastic reader and commenter haha!
The way you rendered the building in the third picture is amazing. I'm always in awe of artists who can draw architecture so detailed.
Don’t be in awe, I use every dirty trick in the book. I consider myself a writer/storyteller first and artist second. That was a photo digitally manipulated to bring out the lineart and “Bluepen’s” colors took it from there! My credit is minimal!
Nice job man! Looking forward to that earlier Seer artwork! How is your work coming along this week?
Thanks! Pretty good this week. It’s been a while since I put together an actual sequential comic page & it feels nice. How about you?
pretty good, I think. I'm trying to finish the "cover" that I started last week, coloring it, etc. I have so much to learn in photoshop that, while the learning is really good, the end result isn't even close to how many hours I've put in. But, I know that my learning will pay off in the long run even though it is slow going now. Next week I will do a full penciled page, or at least that is my goal.
You must hurry because it seems that @kommienezuspadt are ahead ;)
You are not wrong! I'm about to put in an hour or two of drawing right now before bed!
Great work! I love the third image, the guy looks like a total badass haha
The color prints look great. I really love the main character in this story. You ever going to come to a comic con by Chicago or St. Louis?
If I do it would probably be far off if & when comics are a full time deal. Otherwise I can only occasionally arrange time from my day job & foot the bill to do more local shows.