Greetings fellow Preppers for a Fantastical Doomsday! (It's ok if you're not really prepping. I'm pretty lazy about it too. Just buy yourself an extra can of soup and forget about it in the back of the cupboard and call it a day!) It's been a while since I issued an "official" update post so it's more than time to get back to it. You may notice I've shifted my title description ever so slightly from "Comic Crowdfunding Update" to "Comic Creation Update"220 numbered updates about his own comic project Ithaqa. Give him a follow if you haven't already, and look for me to try and reach similar levels of dedication! as I'd like to try sharing these more frequently in bite size snippets, with a broader array of behind the scenes content. I'm always inspired by the example of @drwatson who has shared
Waitasec, What Month Is It!?!
Fresh panic has set in as the relentless advance of time has me worrying about hitting the fall release date for the first issue of "I Thought It Would Be Zombies..." but that's the whole reason I set a release date in the first place! I've always gotten things done under pressure..., and oh boy, here comes pressure!
I'm skipping around between various interior pages and on some I'm making good progress. Here's one I've given a look at through some recent snapshots on the Appics app. It's a special one... the origin of the title stands revealed!

Not quite finished the pencils, lettering is just a quick mockup, and I'm debating on what exact magical mayhem Dave will be contemplating in the background before making his proclamation and promptly collapsing... but it's getting there! Dave looks left, looks right, and utters the line I've always included in the brief premise of the story.
“I Thought It Would Be Zombies…” follows an… unusual… group of survivors through a world in the aftermath of a magical apocalypse. Lashed by a massive solar flare powerful enough to defy science itself, technology has failed while magic has emerged to claim dominance over the face of the Earth.
Sarah, Dave, Julie, and Bonnie battle through each day equally horrified by the devastation, and in awe of the beauty of this strange new world. Not a day goes by that the group isn’t fighting for survival, fighting each other, and unsure of what awaits them around each bend in the road.
But for certain, hardly a day goes by that someone doesn’t pause to survey the uncanny landscape of an end of the world that no one could have predicted, and mutter under their breath…
"Y’know… I Thought It Would Be Zombies…”
Dave may be the first to say it, but he won't be the last!

Thinking Outside the Blocks
In recent posts I discussed my feeling that I needed to branch out to other social media to begin promoting "I Thought It Would Be Zombies..." Truthfully it's something I should have done a while ago and will probably regret not getting a bigger start on it. To that end I've begun using Instagram for the first time. I prefer my home here on Steem by far, but I'm going where the people are!

If you're an Instagram user and would like to follow me there as well, please do! I could use all the support I can get! Additionally, while the Fundition Campaign continues to run and provide some much needed and appreciated financial support, I'm also considering adding in a more traditional crowdfunding platform in the near future, most likely Indiegogo. While that's not a definite, I believe it could be beneficial to involve more supporters who are unaware of, or reluctant to use the blockchain and crypto based services I've built "I Thought It Would Be Zombies..." on to date. More possible announcements around that in a future update! In summary, I'm getting myself out there on the wider web, so if you roam those lands as well, come find me. I'd love to see you there!
Hmm, maybe this wasn't as bite size a snippet as I intended. I'll try to be less verbose in update #21 I guess! Until then, take care everyone... and stock that pantry for the apocalypse!
-Bryan "the Imp" Imhoff
This is an official Fundition campaign update post to help fund the publication of the independent comic "I Thought It Would Be Zombies..."prior update articles for "I Thought It Would Be Zombies..."! meaning your votes alone can help you earn rewards like a free copy of the comic and more! For more information check out and the

Thanks for the shoutout, and happy to keep on being a crypto-funded guinea pig haha.
Would not have made it this far without your constant support and advice on this platform :)
PS, as Douglas Adams would say, "Don't Panic."
Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!!
This project is being supported by @Fundition the next-generation, decentralized, peer-to-peer crowdfunding and collaboration platform, built on the Steem blockchain.
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Keep up the great work!Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Manually curated by @blewitt.