John Constantine - My Favorite Anti-Hero

in #comic5 years ago


1 - Who he is
2 - Abilities
3 - Real Life Meetings O.o! (No Joke, this is crazy interesting to me).

John Constantine is a fictional antihero, a blue-collar warlock, occult detective and con man. He has a lack of hope for humanity yet feels the need to do good for his fellow humans. Constantine posseses a ridiculous number of magical abilities, but rarely uses them.Mostly he relies on his detective skills, quick-wit and genius level intellect. I picture him as three other characters you might befamiliar with. Doctor Strange, due to his magical ability. Sherlock Holmes, due to his genius detective skills, and finally Deadpool, due to the dry-humor and comedic delivery of his character.

Abilities: Besides his more everyday hypnosis, sleight of hand, and pick pocketing skills, we have... Divination, telekinesis, demon summoning, cursing, magic circles, exorcism, spirit-ward creation, golemancy, mind-control, necromancy, illusion, pyrokinesis, alchemy, teleportation and finally my favorite - synchronicity wave traveling. Synchronicity wave traveling is the ability to be at the right place at the right time, basically, it's the power of luck.

Constantine is also one of a few people knowing all the routes to Heaven, Hell, and the afterlife.

At one point he ressurects himself by simply leaving the afterlife or so i read. (I will read more on this later) Some mystery is always good...

John blackmails God to do his bidding, he warns God that if his soul is ever sent to Hell, he would easily take

With Satan coming after his soul, he sells his soul to two other lords of hell, both of whom accepted the deal. But it was a trick to make sure they couldn't take his soul without destroying all of hell itself, thus he was protected.

Real Life Meetings - Alan Moore claims to have met his creation on two occasions. In 1993, he told Wizard magazine: One day, I was in Westminster in London—this was after we had introduced the character—and I was sitting in a sandwich bar. All of a sudden, up the stairs came John Constantine. He was wearing the trenchcoat, a short cut, he looked exactly like John Constantine. He stared me straight in the eyes, smiled, nodded almost conspiratorially, and then just walked off around the corner to the other part of the snack bar. I sat there and thought, should I go around that corner and see if he is really there, or should I just eat my sandwich and leave? I opted for the latter; I thought it was the safest. His second meeting with his creation was years later, in another place, he steps out of the dark and speaks to me. He whispers: "I'll tell you the ultimate secret of magic. Any cunt could do it."

Writers of the Hellblazer (Constantine) series have also admitted meeting the character in real life. Original Hellblazer writer Jamie Delano claims to have encountered Constantine while writing about the character, outside the British Museum. Peter Milligan saw Constantine at a party around 2009 and rushed after him, only to find he'd disappeared. Brian Azzarello once saw him in a Chicago bar but avoided him, saying that "the thing about John is, the last thing you'd want to be is his friend."

Constantine traveling to hell in his 2005 movie to gather information about a suicide.