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RE: The Taste of Blood (COM 46)

Ouch!! I've busted my butt a time or two roller skating, not enough to bleed though. And on ice... ugh that screams to me that's not something I want to try lol. I will learn from your son and stay far away ... so please tell him thank you for me.

He's growing so fast! More than 10cm??? Wow... I have always been short ... never did I have a growth spurt like that... I think I reached my height potential when I was like 5 haha... makes me want to ask if the air is thin up there lol

Zombino is so much better than zambino... I love zombies!! Lol

Happy Valentine's Day my friend 🖤


I knew you would love the Zombinos scooting on the ice. New Orleans probably doesn't have an outdoor rink. My son grows like a beanstalk in a fairy tale. I stopped growing in eighth grade. To much stress and not enough sleep and missing meals, coffee and other nasty stuff made it impossible for me to grow through high school.


I'm so good at picking up on my feed, not. I sometimes miss an interesting post from a friend. Your post about ambiguous laws was heart felt. Mr. Bean has more fluency in expressing an honest logical statement than agenda tied compromised politicians. It is not for a lack of words but a lack of guts.