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RE: The Little Steemit Show - Puppets and Lego - Comedy! (HD)

in #comedy8 years ago

The way you treat women on Steemit, especially ones like @heiditravels and @stellabelle has caused me to loose all respect for you. Just wanted you to know that I will not be voting on anymore of your content until I see a formal apology to them (and every other women you have slandered or insulted on steemit.


Here @venuspcs : ''Yes, I have no problem admitting I used explicit words when I was mad at @heiditravels and for that I have already apologized in public and I´ll do it here again: "I am sorry Heidi for the words I used, please forgive me". You can verify it here
You are a little late, but better late than never!

Let´s not fight anymore.

I have apologized to Heidi in private.

You know there is a saying in America: "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has at least one!". You sir have show that you do not have an asshole, you are an asshole. I never claimed that anyone (you, @heiditravels or @stellabelle was right or wrong in the dispute you three had. My only claim was that the use of the "cunt" word in reference to a woman you disagree with is not appropriate and that you should apologize. If you are too ignorant or pig headed to realize that "cunt" should never be used when referencing a woman then I truly feel sorry for you.

Best of luck in your future endeavors and I hope someday one of those women you called "cunt" serves you with the justice you so desperately deserve.

Sorry about that.

I have no idea what went on and don't want to comment on it.

I just saw you using the word cunt. Cunt's a good word. People should use it more.

@venuspcs I was just angry there and then, but you are right and I am wrong, I went overboard with my anger that day and I am sorry for that. I don´t want to hurt nobody, I´m not really like that.

I took your advice and apologized to @heiditravels in private and she has forgiven me.

Steemit is kind of a family, and sometimes in a family we get frustrated and angry over the most silly things. But then when we calm down, we reconsolidate with one another and forgive one another for whatever is in the past that becomes water under the bridge.

@venuspcs you're so right. Fyrstikken should treat women differently than he treats men. No woman deserves to be treated like everyone else. They are all little delicate butterfly's and need to be treated as such.

Special Snow Flakes.

Hmm as a woman and a member of steemradio I do not feel any abused by @firstykken only inspired !!! Keep smiling ! I thought here we vote for content or ........? I like the show so I voted.

What does this have to do with the content of the post?

If people lack integrity and honour or think lying is just a great way to make an extra couple of quick bucks... Isn't it then kind of like a genuinely useful public service; to publicly denounce it and shame offenders into improving their outlook and dare I say behaviour?
And if so, is this kind of public service not something more worthy of your gratitude than anything else? As ultimately, it can only make steemit a better, more honest and genuine place in the long term?

You could say directly to fyrstikken in What's the point of this comment in this post? You were one of the guys who made bad and dirty jokes in the chat, remember?