
Adobe Premier Elements. It cost like 70 bucks and is pretty shitty actually lol. Glitches out all the time. I wanna upgrade.

Steemit has a lot of potential but its unforuntately overcrowded by these Cryptos marketing tools all sucking each others dicks lol. And a lot of the people doing more quality content don't seem to get my style. I think my style of content is too next level and experimental for a lot of people. I have had three people all say they would check my shit out after I complimented/liked their stuff and not a single one did. Assholes. I did however get 39 likes on a music post, which only translated to 75 cents because of my 'lack of steam' lol. I should be a top dog on this platform given the quality and originality of my stuff. Whatever, its bullshit, maybe I'll eventually climb my way up.