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RE: Depression and Comedy

in #comedy7 years ago

@mrslauren I guess you could publish them under a pseudonym?

I see your point though, I can, on occasion, be humorous and it seems I'm covering up worry and anxiety. For weeks before I made the audio for my comedy piece, I was feeling almost hypocritical for being jokey and funny when I reality I wasn't in that mode at all. But I'm so glad I pushed the project through...

But anyways, you have friends here who care about you. You don't have to go through this alone.

Take care!!!


I totally get what you mean by feeling hypocritical

for being jokey and funny when in reality I wasnt in that mode at all.

The issue being a core belief that this is the real you - ie anxious or depressed. The black and white thinking, either/or rather than you can be anxious AND funny or depressed AND laugh out loud.

Thanks for sharing your comment. It struck a cord with me.

Glad to share - I realize that perhaps my friends or fans have toxic days too, but in the given moment it seems like I'm the only person who has darkened days. Maybe I can help encourage them or give them a laugh...

I think the biggest help is to be able to say, I know, me too.