My hatred towards people who talk loudly in cinemas : A really short rant.

in #comedy8 years ago (edited)


 To that kind of person who talks loudly in cinemas and overreacts, fuck you. You are the scum of the earth. You are responsible for at least 1% of the world’s population homicidal ideations. But, I’ve gone past that, I have something worse in store for you. I wouldn’t want to kill you when there are worse things to do to you. I'm not getting my money back from that movie I tried to enjoy, so the least I can do is have a little fun with my irrational and overreacting anger towards you.

Here’s what.  I will find out where you live and I will break into your house when nobody is around. Then I will start eating Cheetos with both of my hands, after which I will start touching everything you own. Good luck using your laptop, mouse, tv remote, gaming console controllers, doorknobs, and every single bottle and glass in the house. You will come back home wondering if Satan broke into your house. You wish.