Back and thinking...

in #comeback5 years ago

Damn, it has been around two months since I have posted with this account! I don't even remember the last time I did an English post with it. However, there have been some good reasons.


No, I haven't completely turned my back on STEEM 😜

Where have I been?

No, I was not pissed of by the rewards growing smaller and smaller from week to week and stopped because I thought it was not worth it. The reasons for my abstinence from posting mainly comes down to three factors:

  • Work
  • Sports
  • Steemmonsters aka Splinterlands

Since April I am working as a full-time physician in training at a local hospital, having an average work-week of 50 hours including exhausting night-shifts. Combined with almost daily studying at home, this obviously takes up a lot of time. Additionaly, I a aiming for very high goals in terms of sports when looking at the year 2020, including the Vienna City Marathon in April and an even more extreme mountain marathon in Jule (70 kilometers with 4500 meters of evaluation). Training for those events has already started and takes up a lot of time, especially since I also discovered my love for tennis together with @weitblicker and other friends. In the last weeks, I have been doing some sporty stuff at least once a day on average.

The little free time remaining between those two factors and other social stuff has mainly been used for the third point mentioned above - Steemmonsters aka Splinterlands. I am really in love with this game, @aggroed and @yabapmatt have definitely created something great there. The game is developing quite well in my eyes - it is no coincidence that my Monsters are worth more than all my STEEM combined at the time I am writing these words. With new cards and a hopefully great mobile app coming in the next months, the roadmap looks quite promising and I am afraid that I will stay addicted for quite a while to this game. Even though I haven't posted in a while, I have been active on the blockchain almost every day. But today, it just felt right to make a "normal" post again.

What I think about the hardforks?

Talking about the last hardfork(s) is actually quite funny for me, since I haven't really experienced the fork yet due to my absence from posting/commenting. Looking at the hardfrom from the spectators perspective, it is 100% clear to me that my feed and especially top/trending contain way "better" posts now. I have also seen quite a lot of "normal" votes from big people who I haven't seen curating in a long time. Those are definitely some facts in favor of the last hardfork.

Of course I also still see poeple crying around about the hardfork. But to be honest, it mainly comes down to two groups of users:

  • a) Users that are always negative. I know some users I have never seen writing a single positive word about STEEM. Funnily enough, they are still here.
  • b) People who think their rewards are too small and that the world is unfair. On a platform where some receive more than others, there will always be greed and jealousy. However when you ask people who complaing about a link to an extremly undervalued post, they either can't give you one or the post just isn't that good.

I don't say that the last hardforks are perfect. The only things I can say are that the consequences of the hardfork look promising on the first view. My deeper view on STEEM will have to come back in the next weeks, as I am planning to be more active again. Which leads us to the last chapter of this post.

What you can expect from me?

Working full-time in a good position mainly has two effects on my life here on STEEM:

  • a) I care about the rewards even less than before! As I am lucky enough to have a job that pays good money in real life, I am 0% dependent on the money from STEEM. I have never cashed out big sums when STEEM was worth dollars instead of cents and I definitely don't plan to cash out any STEEM soon. Beeing independent from what my post make, I will also not give to many fucks about potential revenge flags, etc. Saying so, I will start using my daily downvote power today :)

  • b) I have less time for STEEM. In the near future, there won't be a @theaustrianguy who posts on almost a daily basis. I will try to do at least one english and one german post per week. And of course, I will continue to fight with my Steemmonsters! Having less time also lead to the fact, that I dropped out as an @ocd curator in the last weeks. I wasn't a good curator there in the last months, so I am probably not a big loss. I still like the idea of @ocd and also the manually curated bid-bot @ocdb. What I am not sure about is the decision to use the @ocdb downvotes to fight other bidbots by flagging users using them. I guess @acidyo, @anomadsoul and the others have thought well about this - I am still not sure I would do the same. However, still a bigh thank you for having me as an @ocd curator for quite a long time and good luck with you project in the future!

As I have spent a lot of time in the nature this summer, you can definitely expect some nice pictures from the Austrian mountains in the next posts. As a little teaser, let me just show you this beauty, which is one of my next goas, the Warscheneck (2388m).


Your thoughts?

Enough talking about myself and my plans for the future. What about you? What do you guys think about the changes and consequences of the hardforks? How do you the future of STEEM?



Welcome back and congrats to the new job! :)

As you may have noticed, I received the changes of HF 21 with mixed feelings. Beside good effects (self-votes are less attractive than before, 'bitbotted' shit posts are getting flagged, abusers are getting flagged) it is a fact than many
It is true that some whales or former bid bot services are curating manually now, but they are just not aware of the less known users ... you need to have reached a certain 'level of fame' to get their attention.
really is upvoting small accounts (which you easily can check with SteemWorld). small and middle sized users earn significantly less than before. Just follow the (many) comments in the weekly posts of @double-u (I suggest you to check the last few ones) and you will see what I mean (people commenting there are respected Steemians like for example @chriddi). A positive exception is @curangel run by @pharesim which

Of course I also still see poeple crying around about the hardfork.

Neither in German nor in English the verbs "cry" and "criticize" are synonyms. I think it's just unfair to let it appear they were. :)
In every big project (objective and constructive) criticism is badly needed for improvements and precious part of the process of further development.

But to be honest, it mainly comes down to two groups of users: ...

As pointed out above, here I have to disagree.

Sure, not everyone seems to benefit immediately - But I have seen many good posts from smaller users rewarded quite big as well. And I hope, curation gets better and better. I still think we are on the right way. :)

But yeah, I was a little bit hard to equal crying with criticizing. Without critique, we probably wouldn‘t even have those changes.

Thank you for your comment!

Caring less about the rewards is the right thing to do, when you more concentrated on the things you are doing and note the outcome, the rewards should not make you waiting for them )) Good efforts with this post. Thank you!

Glad to see you “back”! Works sounds insane but that marathon sounds pretty exciting, congrats on both 😉

I agree with your overall thoughts on STEEM, in fact they are spot on. I think the changes so far are positive and while we have a long way to go, things are looking up due to the changes made with the fork.

Also.. you have one of those job things?!! 😱 Who knew that was a proper way to pay ones bills without having to rage online about what you feel you deserve for your blogs? 😜 .. ok enough snark out of me. Glad to see you posting and hope you are well ❤️

Thank you for the kind words :) Yeah, I got one of those REAL jobs, not just a „wannabe“ blogger and @steemmonsters professional 😅 But I guess (or actually I am 100% sure) that‘s a good thing.

Regarding the marathon and the heavy hiking - I will write more about that soon!

Es schön mal wieder von dir zu lesen. Ich hatte so ähnlich Zeitprobleme wie du und hatte deswegen auch nicht so viel Zeit für Steem.
Ich wünsche dir noch viel Erfolg auf Steem und im Job

Posted using Partiko Android

Studium ist eh wichtiger ;)

I am fascinated by how efficient the recent changes were; I think it shows the best when one looks at trending. Just the fact that one can look at trending without being bored is already something.
Personally it's a bit tough, because being a small account, the new rewards curve is hitting hard. But then, every now and then a big vote is coming in and cause for excitement! It feels honest and like a very positive change; I am absolutely fine with that!

True words. And if the longterm benefits kick in as we all hope they do, small accounts will heavily benefit as well :)

Oh yes, there is that big 'if' as well ;)

Good to have you back! Glad to hear that you are progressing well with your training routine. I'm meanwhile back at running my 10 k loop in one go ;)

(..)the consequences of the hardfork look promising on the first view.

Fully agree. We are not there yet where the new possibilities of the EIP can bring us but it looks promising indeed.

Saying so, I will start using my daily downvote power today

Happy to hear that! If someone like you is taking up on this it will help a lot towards normalizing downvotes. In my opinion downvotes had always been integral for Steem to function as intended. Now with the separate mana pool, there is a real chance that downvotes will be used as widely as needed. And I'm confident, the more they are used the less igniting they will be perceived.

What I also appreciate is the reduction of the 15 min vote penalty window. Going down to 5 min now makes it possible again to curate the New section at the 4-5 min edge. I'm trying to reserve time for going there every day.

Congrats on the 10k :)

Regarding the downvotes, I agree that they have to become a „normal“ thing. Curious when I will receive the first revenge flags though 😅

And yeah, no more „long“ waiting for the vote to be more effective.

As you say - So far things look promising :)

Ich finde es außerordentlich begrüßenswert, wie du deine Prioritäten setzt! An erster Stelle Beruf(ung), dann Sport um gesund und fit zu bleiben, dabei noch Zeit einplanen für Spiel und Spaß.

Marathon und Berg Marathon sind sehr ambitionierte Ziele, alle Achtung! Ich selbst laufe erst seit drei Monaten, es macht unglaublich Spaß!

Ich wünsche dir viel Erfolg bei allem, was du tust!

Sehr cool, dass du auch mit dem Laufen begonnen hast - Schon ein „Runner‘s High“ erlebt? :)

Ja! Tolles Gefühl! Auch heute, mein erster Intervall Lauf bei Regen! Kam völlig durchnässt zuhause an, aber happy. ;)

Good to see you!

Great to see this update! Sounds like you found a great place to be and maybe gain a healthier relationship towards Steem with it ;-) We'll see you around when we'll see you around!

(Great photos too :D)