Glad to see you “back”! Works sounds insane but that marathon sounds pretty exciting, congrats on both 😉
I agree with your overall thoughts on STEEM, in fact they are spot on. I think the changes so far are positive and while we have a long way to go, things are looking up due to the changes made with the fork.
Also.. you have one of those job things?!! 😱 Who knew that was a proper way to pay ones bills without having to rage online about what you feel you deserve for your blogs? 😜 .. ok enough snark out of me. Glad to see you posting and hope you are well ❤️
Thank you for the kind words :) Yeah, I got one of those REAL jobs, not just a „wannabe“ blogger and @steemmonsters professional 😅 But I guess (or actually I am 100% sure) that‘s a good thing.
Regarding the marathon and the heavy hiking - I will write more about that soon!