Piggy-backing onto my post from Friday about the Speedwell plant that creeps into lawns and pastures, here is another one! This plant is called Purple Dead-nettle, or as I've heard it called: Hedgenettle, because it often seeks shelter under larger plants.
According to Wikipedia, Lamium purpureum is called "dead-nettle" because it resembles other nettle plants, but doesn't have the "stinging hairs" (trichomes) that the stinging nettles have.
~photo © by me~
And even though it is classified as a "weed," it is a pretty little plant, with flowers that are a delicate purple in color. 😊
This is another entry in the ColorChallenge which @kalemandra began. It's been such fun participating in it each day since I've been here!
See my other ColorChallenge posts
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It may be a “weed” but hey I wouldntnt mind a few growing in my backyard hahah 🌺
It is a pretty little thing, isn't it? Thank you for the lovely comment! 😊
Thank you for the resteem! 😊