Creatures can be scary and even deadly, but some like these are a wonder to admire for their beauty and bright colors.....
So I went on a family outing yesterday with my three favourite guys in the whole wide world to look at a few creature and critters and thought I'd this fella to to the #colorchallenge of the day.
First post was a lizard, then I got to see a snake up close, yup thrilling enough when they are all boxed up but I will be the one who screams the loudest and use everyone else (not my family) as a shield 😂 if one those comes out.
My bravery has it's limits when it comes to spiders, snakes, grasshoppers, and don't forget those sneaky flying roaches!!!! 😱
More to follow next time I visit #Steemit, enjoy #almostfriday 😘
(Sounds better than "it's Thursday")😉

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