I am beginning to join colorchallege and when I saw that it is the color to see, I reminded myself of parrot wishes that when we are small our parents buy us pets. Recuerod that I had several and always found them anywhere in the house and persecuting us all, they are too beautiful and funny, there are some that are meek and others very brave.
The parrots, also known as parrots or parrots, are tropical birds of a very colorful plumage, within them are the green parrots.
They are very scandalous birds, however when they are domesticated they do not make excessive noise, like those that are extracted from their natural habitat, to put in captivity.
Once it has adapted to the home, it is not necessary more than one stick periquera to stay there, domesticated green parakeets do not like much to fly and prefer to be walking at home, although you must buy a special cage to enter when they arrive visits, or you will be absent from home for some time.
The cages for green parrots are different from the other cages for birds, in that they are made of metal, or wood with thick bars, this is due to the instinct of biting that these birds have and the strength of their jaws, which also use as a support to climb.
They feed on seeds and some tropical fruit, sunflower seeds are an excellent food for them.
Within the care that you have to provide, is to keep their beak and claws of good size, to be in captivity these will grow constantly and if they are not cut they can stop them from feeding, or being able to walk, if you go with a veterinarian they will explain how you can trim your nails at home and how often you should do it.
Avoid getting your fingers to the beak of the green parakeets, as they have a jaw so strong that it can cut a small finger, I remember that I had a very rough and it stung everyone in almost less ami, since my pet and siepre walks with me day and night everywhere.
One of the main attractions of these green parrots is their ability to imitate sounds, including the human voice, constantly repeat a phrase in front of them, will make after a certain time pronounce it, this way it will seem that they speak, but really only They are imitating the sound they hear.
If you associate the sound with an action, the green parrots will learn to pronounce it more quickly, for example: repeating a phrase each time you eat will cause the parrot to repeat it when it is hungry.
The green parrots are a perfect pet for people who do not have much time, but who want a pet with which to live and not only exhibition, does not require much space, their care with minimum and are very adaptable when they are from small.