Color Challenge - Orange Tuesday - Scotch Bonnet


Scotch bonnet (Caribbean red pepper)

Bought this local scotch bonnet for the seeds. Hot season is here and they say this cultivar is a heat resistant chili, so why not I try growing it.

Species: Capsicum chinense
Cultivar: Scotch Bonnet
Heat: Very hot
Scoville scale: 100,000–400,000 SHU
Hot, eh?


Pepper and basil

Growing basil next to peppers boosts their flavor and help to repel some pests.

Good companion in the garden. Good color combination too!


I agree, an excellent color combo. I didn't know that about basil next to peppers. Good tip!

Thanks! Yeah, they could be paired. You can refer to this link to know more about companion planting: :)

Thanks for the link!

I like peppers, but Scotch Bonet are nothing for me to eat directly.
I am used to make peppper oil out of it. This is a good way to bring the scoville down. So I can put the right amount on my dishes after cooking.