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RE: Colorchallenge | Indigo Saturday | Entry #5 - Nissan GTR - Hot Import Nights Phoenix AZ

Thanks man👊🏼 Yea that Lamborghini had a crazy wrap job.
Congrats to you and the wife man. Rising is amazing. Light weight is key for first time riders. Upgrade when comfortable. I always recommend new buyers buy a duel sport for their 1st bikes. Cheap to insure, cheap to fix if it gets knocked over. Super light and can be used for practice off-road


@joeyrocketfilms cheers for the info. Had a wee shot on it tonight, it was good fun. I have never ridden a motorbike before so I was a bit everywhere with the controls. Just practice I guess.

By the way I managed to get another post out tonight and showed some love to the #minnowtowhale cause.