Color Challenge: Thursday Green - Bird's Eye Chili Plants - Seed Sowing Using Recycled Containers

in #colorchallenge8 years ago (edited)


I've sown the seeds of cabe rawit (bird's eye chili) on June 20th and they are growing well until now. My grandma sent the seeds all the way from Indonesia :-) She plants a lot of vegetables at home.

Here in Belgium, I grow them in my apartment because I dont have garden nor balcony. I hope they'll survive :-)

Finger crossed!

Tips: use egg cartons for sowing the seeds if you dont have sowing containers, like I did. Reduce, reuse, recycle ;-)

Check the link below for more information about seed sowing using recycled containers


Super tes semis et belle photo !! Quelle est la force de ce piment ?

Merci! D'après Wikipedia, il est autour de 100000–225000 sur l'échelle de Scoville. Normalement, c'est plus piquant que le piment thai, celui que l'on trouve au supermarché asiatique.

A oui puissant comme piment !! Idéal pour faire une bonne sauce piquante

Si tu aimes bien fort piquant, oui c'est l'déal :-) mais attention, tu pourras tomber malade si tu n'as pas l'habitude :-D

Life growing... beautiful...

Thanks! It's amazing seeing them growing well.