Cuba forced me to acknowledge that a digital detox is actually a thing. I connected to the internet only once during my ten days there, having stood in line for an hour to do so. While the world ticked by, I was unable to read about politics or world news -- I couldn't even check tomorrow's weather. Friends and I played hearts and spades, made outlandish claims that couldn't be proven wrong, and connected to the world around us.
Not many places I've traveled have truly changed me, but Cuba did. It pulled me into its contradiction, its crazy time warp that distorts reality, and made me ask myself, "What else isn't as it seems?"
Taken January 12, 2017 with a Nikon D7100 on the streets of Trinidad, Cuba.
Thanks for following along on my journey to full self-expression ✌️

A very warm welcome to Steemit! It's always great meeting other travellers! Where are you planning on going next?
Sounds lovely, having a digital detox. It's so hard to get away from electronics nowadays when we use them for almost everything. In Malaysia, which is where I just got back from, I could only use my laptop once a day, which is nothing compared to you, but it felt great looking up from a screen and engaging in what was around me.
Looking forward to reading about your travels!
Kicking myself for not going there sooner!