- archive of, with PACcoin listed #3 and $32,367,272,431 USD in market cap. What is this PACcoin?
I strongly believe this is wrong or fraudulent information.
Checking #paccoin here on Steemit, maybe the answer it that they've remade 1000 old PACcoins into 1 new PACcoin. The likely explanation is that CoinMarketCap is counting with the old number of coins in circulation, but the new value of the coin. Hence the real market cap is 32 million USD, not 32 billion USD.
Possibly also on purpose to be listed on top of Coinmarketcap and achieve a pump?
That was my first though, hence I wrote "fraudulent" as one of the options above. However, after doing just a bit of research and applying Hanlon's razor, it seems obvious it was just Coinmarketcap that wasn't prepared and spent some time turning around in this case.
In the fiat world it's not abnormal to renew the currency and slash some zeros after a big and sudden value loss, I find it likely that the PACcoin team did the same, and that this move was planned some time in advance.
Wow !!!
Great achievement of PACcoin....
Nice movement.....I can not believe it ..@tobixen
hahaha, that was creepy,
there is hell of a difference between 32 billion and 32 million :o
I love long numbers like this "32,367,272,431" :D