I wouldn't be able to really tell you where else you could put your coins. But I do know how you feel about their downtime and unreliability. However, if you have not read their recent blog post, it talks about how going into Q3 2017 they will be focusing on those issues and improving their network. You can read it here https://blog.coinbase.com/in-q3-were-going-to-focus-on-the-fundamentals-986efbb1b1d0
But in my opinion, I wouldn't switch or leave CoinBase. It is the leader on usability, UI, and its is an app, so it is always with you in your smart phones. Its too convenient to give up.
Yeah I get what you mean. Especially on the usability factor. But I'm not willing to put £30k (26 now) at stake for the sake of using an app.
Also, if anything was going wrong. They wouldn't tell you. They'd just shut the doors and leave you in the lurch until they either sorted it out or went bust and disappeared with you money. I'm wary of them.
Thanks for the feedback though buddy. I really appreciate it. Opinions are what I'm after.