Is it time to leave coinbase? Yes!

in #coinbase7 years ago


All Your Coinbase are Belong to Us

Well I've now had enough. Ive decided to move my current crypto portfolio from coinbase to something else. The constant downtime on the network, the poor customer support, the feeling that they are hanging on by a thread makes me very very nervous.

I could do with some opinions on where to store it. I'm thinking between Poloniex, Gemini, and Bittrex.

Does anybody have any experience of these platforms. Or know if something better.

I don't want a hard wallet for each. I want the accessibility (or lack thereof on coinbases part) of an exchange. I like to be able to transfer between currencies when I'm out and about. I don't always have access to a computer. But my trusty phone is always at hand.

I thank you for your time.

And, as always, Stay Steemy and Steem On.



I'm in the same boat. I don't trust their service at all anymore. It's ridiculous that I can't access my money to do trades when I need to. I thought poloniex was bad when I first started using it, but it's showing a little more promise than coinbase. I like bittrex right now. I'm going to get a MacBook so I can have enough speed and power to download all of the programs I need for my nano S.

So poloniex doesn't get your vote. Thanks for sharing.
Would love to know more about your nano S project. Is it a hardware wallet?

Yes it is a hardware wallet. I bought two of em. Lol

And yes! I haven't had any problems with Polo.:) coinbase stopped me from buying btc and is always going down.

I wouldn't put all your eggs into one basket. It's better to have them spread out that way you can't loose them all.

That is some very sound advice my friend. I will definitely put that into practice. 👍

justatg, I use poloniex and bittres, both have there share of outages as well at times of huge transactions. I like poloniex the best, the best fees and generally the easiest to use I find, but at busy times, your orders can easily be timing out as the site also can be too busy.

Thanks for that @unipsycho do you spread your crypto between the two, or switchbthenlot between. As and when you need?
There seems to be a common theme coming out here. 👍

I use poloniex for most, and for trading since the fees are lower. Some of the coins I like though are only on bittrex, so I use it for select coins. I try not to move stuff unless I'm actually wanting to trade, as transaction fees can still cut in quite a bit for certain coins.

Agree, it's been down so much lately. Like you, I am unsure who else is good - I was looking at Poloniex but then saw some negative comments about them.

Thats exactly what makes me so nervious. At some point I might need to sell in a hurry. I can't have that sort of outage. Have you tried Gemini yet?
Thanks for the input buddy. 👍

I wouldn't be able to really tell you where else you could put your coins. But I do know how you feel about their downtime and unreliability. However, if you have not read their recent blog post, it talks about how going into Q3 2017 they will be focusing on those issues and improving their network. You can read it here

But in my opinion, I wouldn't switch or leave CoinBase. It is the leader on usability, UI, and its is an app, so it is always with you in your smart phones. Its too convenient to give up.

Yeah I get what you mean. Especially on the usability factor. But I'm not willing to put £30k (26 now) at stake for the sake of using an app.
Also, if anything was going wrong. They wouldn't tell you. They'd just shut the doors and leave you in the lurch until they either sorted it out or went bust and disappeared with you money. I'm wary of them.

Thanks for the feedback though buddy. I really appreciate it. Opinions are what I'm after.


(as soon as they are back online obv....)

Shhh not so loud or they'll keep the doors shut.

The funny thing bout this post is that everybody that I talked with said to sign up with Coinbase..However i stated that I'm in Canada & would like to stick with a website based in Canada..Not one recommendation, no one knew of any..
Well here I go, I put on my researching grin & start searching using my non tracking Duck Duck Go engine..I found one in Canada alright, & it was very reputable..I'm now waiting for the wire transfer to fill my wallet with some cash to start my first test run..It's not a whole lot of money though, just enough to get my feet wet..
PS: Thought I'd let ya all know bout my encounter with the head bank teller..
After entering most of my particulars in the computer form, she informs me that a pop up said that this money wire was not advisable..Well I almost burst out laughing, seeing that I already researched the out of Country place of the transfer & why this has to be..See the banks won't allow a crypto trading company to access your bank funds..Found that to be interesting on its own..But when she advised against sending the money internationally, well that's when I said to her, it's OK I checked everything out, & it's all legit..That's when she almost wrapped her blazer around her waste, & that's when I thought to myself, nice try lady..Ha Ha Ha!!

I can imagine. The banks must be tearing their hair out. Great post 👍

Nice post
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