hello everyone? Today I want to talk about a personal opinion for interest on staking the sprouts coin.
In bitcoinstalk's message board for this coin, The CEO of sprouts coin said if you stake this coin for 5 days in sprouts wallet, you can get 10% interest on staking and if you stake this coin for extra days in the wallet, you can get each 2% interest on staking. So I decided to buy this coin with little capital and stake it in the wallet.
However I could not get any interest on staking for 5days and extradays and I wondered why I could get any interest on staking. So I searched information for this coin from the google. but I couldn't get an answer solving this problem.
Just I could know that many people had undergone this problem and I could get information that I can know how much interest I can get from spend fund function fo multisig function.
So I tried to do that ant I could discover extra coins in a wallet. but I couldn't send it to my wallet with a message that the transaction is not completely signed.
So I doubted it is ture interest that shows in the wallet. And then I searched information for the wallet form sprouts explorer.
I could know twice transaction occured form this wallet in a date that I bought this coin. So I thought interest that show in the wallet is not true interest on staking.
And then I can know that when I only have at least 500 million coins, I can get interest for staking as Bitcoinstalk's message board said from bitcoinstalk. Therefore I can get some interest on staking as mintprobability below picture shows.
Swap Your Sprouts here for BGA Tokens