Did Goats Invent Coffee..?

in #coffee7 years ago (edited)

I'm not "goating" you, well not entirely ;)


How did I get here:

While reminiscing to some friends about how much I freakin' love coffee (not surprisingly over a freshly brewed mug), I wondered:

  • Just who the hell did invent coffee...?
  • Who was the person who first made a coffee!?
  • Where geographically did this take place...?
  • Was it a single culture that invented the coffee or, was it indeed ancient knowledge passed down by Aliens lol...?

In all seriousness, I had absolutely no idea about the origins of coffee. So now I'm thinking... I can't just leave this alone can I? I've definitely got to get some answers after going this far down the rabbit hole!


Contrary to popular belief, Herschel Coffee did not invent the coffee nor is there any public record of his existence! However, there is some "evidence" to support that goats were indeed instrumental in its discovery!


I did some quick research and I found out that goats are indeed credited with playing a significant role in the great discovery of Coffee. Yeap... Those rambunctious little bastards are apparently at least partly responsible for bringing about one of the world's greatest discoveries and most popular beverages. But how did they do it...?


So here's the story:

According to an old Ethiopian legend, a Sufi Goatherd named Kaldi witnessed his goats becoming increasingly hyperactive after eating the red fruit of the coffee shrub. It is said that Kaldi also ate the fruit and experienced exhilarating effects and was thus intrigued by the discovery.


Kaldi is also credited with discovering the coffee shrub and the story apparently dates back to around 850 AD.


What Happened Next:

I guess once Kaldi calmed down from his rush or whatever he had the wherewithal to collect some of the fruit and bring it to his Sufi Monk pal for a second opinion. At this point, his Monk friend was either envious or unimpressed or simply thought the fruit was evil (hell if I know) and apparently he threw the fruit into open flames.


Then...something interesting happened...

An overwhelming aroma began to emerge from the fire and the coffee beans were then collected from the embers. The now "roasted" coffee was ground up and infused with hot water thus creating the world's first cup of coffee! Hooray!

download (1).jpeg

Following this, either Kaldi or his monk friend introduced coffee to the Islamic world were it flourished and later, it spread to the West. This is likely why the largest coffee outlets in the Middle East use or are subsidiaries of the name Kaldi

So now you know that goats invented coffee... well sort of ;)

Hope you enjoyed this little tidbit of (in all likely hood) apocryphal origins of coffee brought to you by myself and wikipedia. I also made up the bit about Herschel Coffee :)

PICTURES (Labelled for reuse):

  1. https://www.flickr.com/photos/rikkis_refuge/3557572093
  2. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A_small_cup_of_coffee
  3. https://www.flickr.com/photos/jono2k5/2430065503
  4. @jaybird
  5. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A_fruiting_coffee_tree_(Coffea_arabica)._Photograph._Wellcome_V0044766.jpg 6. https://pxhere.com/en/photo/722546

SOURCES: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaldi


These stories are partly made in jest and may contain both fact and fiction. In the name of humour and genuine intrigue I am presenting these ideas to the community. I am not an authority on any of these topics and the information presented in these accounts should NOT be taken at face value. Please do your own due diligence before forming an opinion. Thanks for Reading!

jaybird Steemit.jpg

jaybird ~


Hahaha - Love your post.

Toronto has such a strong coffee culture and our dream is to open up a cafe that also provides a spot for AI learning, kind of like Brainstation at the corner of Spadina and King!

My husband is really into AI these days.

Hah thx, I couldn't just let this one die. I was too amused by the story.

That would be pretty cool although I just watched an x-files Ep where AI tried to kill Mulder and Scully soooooo I'm a bit apprehensive now lol.

LOL - I told husband about the x files ep you watched & we ended up watching it last night. Remind us of Black Mirror 1st season. Both are great shows.

BTW, can you image having AI to serve human coffee, lol.

Ya, it definitely had a black mirror quality to it. Wasn't my favourite ep of the new seasons that's for sure. I think I enjoyed the "Mulder & Scully Meet the Ware-lizard" or whatever it was called the best so far.

And sure, I can imagine it..I'd just always prefer a cute barista to serve me coffee is all ;)

Haha - Have you watched the show "Humans"? I assure you there are plenty of cute AI Humans who can serve you coffee though. Check it out:

That is very true, although it might feel a bit weird flirting with robots ...

Looks like a cool show, just took a gander at the trailer.

Oh Before I forget... heads up, the Next Steem Meetup is Sunday March 25th @ Cloak & Dagger.

Haha, great article. I was able to get a feel for your personality through your words. Never would I have ever thought that the worlds first coffee came about from a hyper active goat lmao. No wonder why coffee is the GOAT drink (Greatest Of All Time) lmao

Baaaaaaahahah (in a goat voice)

Goat = greatest of all time! That’s clever. Thx for that.

Ya probably best not to write to seriously about anything on the internet these days unless ur prepared to fight army ;)

I love that your breaking into writing little articles! Very informative my boy. Keep it up - I'll be reading haha I was at a loss on what to say on sandwiches after so long. I mean their is only so much commentary I have on sandwiches really.

Ya, I've been wanting to write some little satirical/comical bits for a bit... We'll see how long i can keep it goin.

Although I'm really not sure how to top goats inventing coffee... should have started at a lower bar.

You should tell us the history of the "sandwich"

Or keep answering odd questions to food or drink related items. Like why do they call certain drinks certain things. There are so many backstories to food that once the questions get started it might be hard to stop.

Ha! That’s some solid advice!

I must now find out the origins of the sandwich & tell all on steemit.

Mmmm, lovely post to be reading while enjoying my first cup of coffee! 'upgoated!" Hha!

Great story. I'll never look at a cup of coffee the same again 😋

It sure gives us a whole new respect for the almighty goat!

Heh - nice tale.

Awesome! Thanks, goats! Life just wouldn't be the same without a hot cup of coffee in it.

Definitely. My mornings would not be the same!

Haha wow. I will give thanks to goats everyday 🙏

Yes All Hail the Goat!

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