Photo by Simon Abrams on Unsplash
Another day of coding, another day of learning...
On my journey to become I full fledge front-end #steemdev, I figured that it would be nice to share with you what I am going through in real time. It is also there for me down the line to see how far I've come.
Having Faith
Yesterday, I was a little discouraged by the number of things that I couldn't remember from my class on DOM manipulation in Javascript. I was overcome by FUD(fear, uncertainty and doubts). I sat down and took a breather...enough to realize that I shouldn't lose faith...that losing faith was more dangerous than forgetting some syntax or piece of logic.
Without faith, nothing is possible because it is the secret substance that allows us to move forward when we have no evidence that what we are aiming for is real or even possible.
Without faith, we won't do the necessary steps to actually gather enough evidence that what we hope for do exist.
So I resolved myself to not lose faith until I get to what I'm aiming for.
Today I coded a Todo List app using Jquery
I'm pretty happy about this one. It's quite simple but I understand the code really well and could probably do it with my eyes closed at this point.
My last words for today: Faith is more powerful than we can imagine.
I ever give up on my goals ,I may fall 4 times but I get back up 5 times . Things get difficult along the way but life is a learning experience . The problems we run into help us to learn and expand on our knowledge , keep going brother , you’ll soon be a father too . Stand strong
Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. Keep learning

If coffee > 3 then sleep!
Actually, programmer's psychology is unfortunately not much of a concern for the software world. However, programmers and developers are ultimately concerned with the core part of the software, the executable code, what the producers think of what they think, how they think, how they go through their intellectual processes while doing their jobs, how difficult and focused they are and how versatile and rating is important.
hi friends all votes votes have me
You can't expect to remember everything in your first go!! That's why we have the concept of repetition. Make yourself a chart and write down what you have finished on what day and make sure you're revisiting everything after a certain time period. You can try Anki software which is a spaced repetition programme. I found it quite useful.
I'm pretty happy about this one. It's quite simple but I understand the code really well and could probably do it with my eyes closed at this point.
@cryptoctopus,HTML, CSS, JS, yeah now you are doing perfectly. Excellent and this code is working very smoothly! As you said
Faith is more powerful than we can imagine.
, yeah you are proving it to the community! Great work friend, go ahead!Cheers~
Without faith, there is but only one destination. To fail.
Oh man, I've been there too. Not with coding necessarily, but with other things. One of the best things I've learned (for myself at least) is that I have to time myself, and then have breaks otherwise I start getting distracted and then burnt out since it feels like I've been doing nothing. If I time myself and have to work for say 30 minutes with no distractions, and then have a ten minute break where I can go do whatever, it significantly helps my work ethic, the amount of work I get done, and helps me feel more efficient. If I don't, I'll work half-heartedly and waste lots of time while I feel like I'm "working". Best of luck! Keep up the faith man
'Faith is more powerful than we can imagine.'
agreed, without faith there are no 99% chances of writing a success stories. don't get stress, you are on the right track. the code works well. add & delete of to-do list works well. congratulations @cryptoctopus
reteemed & upvoted & commented & followed@resteemia
wow looking good already, impressed about these skills in such a short time.. What is your next projecy?
You did a good work... You believe on faith... You made the success, fantastic Sir... Your coding are working well... Nice you decided to share this incredible post Sir...@cryptoctopus - Sir, when programmer finished a coding at it has no errors & it functioning 100% correct, I think it's one of the wonderful feeling Sir... I saw my husband in that feelings... I think you have the same feeling too Sir... We can say anything, specially we can show weaknesses or bad features of software & websites, but no one cares about the psychological level of the developer who behinds that project... How many codes he needs to write to run a particular button click no one cares... Due to his faith on his job & the work he is doing, we got such user friendly interfaces & etc Sir...
Good to hear you’re feeling better about your journey. Sometimes you just have to take a step back and breathe.
You can succeed if you don’t quit. It’s only a matter of time.
It is from the movie Company Men : "I have faith, courage, enthusiasm". Beginning stages sucks, it is frustrating but we can not give up. It is just our subconscious mind staying in our way from going outside of comfort zone. Faith is essential in all of this.
Coding is interesting when you can measure your success, but I know how frustrating it could be when you are trying to remember all the numerous previous code. But if once keep going it gets sweeter. I'm excited at your success.
Yep. Getting discouraged never helps.
FUD is the devil's tool to keep us down.
The best thing about these diary entries is that I found codepen because of them. Quite a nifty tool that I hadn't seen before.
Thanks for the post.
Keep Steeming!
O wow, it is really nice to hear this kind of words of wisdom from a developer. I am a computer science student and I can clearly relate myself to your situation as sometimes you feel like you can't do it and then faith only can rescue you.
As a computer code developer, would you consider getting paid 20% in crypto currency’s?
faith is absolutely more powerful than we can imagine,i like that motivation.
Without Faith, nothing is impossible because it is a secret substances.
This part really made me go into deep thought.
Without faith, nothing is possible
"So I resolved myself to not lose faith until I get to what I'm aiming for."
This is called perseverance and in my opinion it's much more important than faith alone. Even if you lose faith from time to time (because it happens for short periods, no matter what you do), you have to keep doing what you do in order to reach your goals. Consistent action, practicing every day, learning and trying new things; I think these are the most important things.
Continue moving forward...btw you helped me remember the site that I for the life of me couldn't remember! Thx
Don't go so fast
Slow & steady wins the race
Keep faith in programming .
You can do this.
Fully agree with you. If I say briefly in one word, then faith is a project. Therefore, the concept of faith goes far beyond the limits of religion and extends to all life activities of a person - politics, sport, economics, everyday life, etc.
Without faith, a person can not.
Oh, yes, my friend, I am very glad that you have solved the problem with coding and I congratulate you on this! You correctly said in this post that having faith in yourself and your strength can achieve true success, because the strength of the human spirit lies in the ability to look with interest and optimism in an unpredictable future. It is the belief that there is a way out of any embarrassing situation, and all disagreements can be resolved. Even when you think that the whole world is against you, even when the black band is very long. You must believe in yourself and stand up to the end. In order not to happen, I believe that when a person believes in himself, he does not fear any obstacles and difficulties in life. Believing in yourself is the accomplishment of the tasks set, it makes life interesting, rich and happy! I congratulate you @cryptoctopus once again on your success and wish you even greater achievements!
Faith and optimism drive us forward, even when the outcome is bleak or uncertain. The chance of success is only 0% if you fail to give it your all. Good luck to you in your coding journey, the interface on your todo list is already looking great, stock up on potions and never give up! Building blocks of knowledge built upon each other combined with hard work and effort will construct the future you desire!
Also, good job with the three considerations for what the browser supports natively, nice.
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one of the most important things in coding is not to be bored and lose faith.if you believe you can do it.Dont lose your faith,keep working,you will succeed.
Thanks for sharing.@cryptoctopus
Purpose + Faith = Legacy
Faith is most powerful tool, so never loose it and always believe in yourself. You are the person who can do this. Do some physical workout, it helps you a lot. Good luck.
Faith is one of the most important factors in our life. If we believe that we can do this then definitely we can do this. This is the faith which encourages us to achieve more in our life.
You are improving every day in your coding skills. Keep it up.
you are great! i am learning new coding from you! like java script and css!
i have project in web !
i am also working on online reseve seat project!
As the saying goes. Faith moves mountains. Faith is that hope that is always there and something that we always have to grasp. Thanks for sharing and congratulations for finishing your work @cryptoctopus.
faith is important. I appreciated you @cryptoctopus
Hi cryptoctopus congrates for successful coding.. Once i started to learn it but soon i disappointed as i am a biological sciences student and coding terms were difficult to understand.. Trade market and computer two things are difficult for me..
Now i am thinking if like you i polish my faith and kept it up then may be i succeed..
Yeah faith is everything.. Agree.. If you have faith you can do impisible.. Faith results in courage and then success.. Thanx for motivation i resteem it and ll keep it with me whole life as motivation.. God bless yoy
Faith is what keeps us going. It is the source of hope;
It is the essence of religion. People will be less disappointed in humans if only they hold on to faith rather than trust humans.
You are truly right my friend, faith is inexplainable to some extent because it doesn't usually make sense and seems impossible, but that's where your solution lies. Faith + self trust + self value will not disappoint
Yes. Faith is a personal thing, not based on human philosophies. That is why it is wrong to judge another man's faith with yours.
Your faith will work for you...
STEP BY STEP. Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.

Mr. Magoo found these accounts are suspicious & can be multi accounts of a single owner. Conclusion is based on last 30 days transactions:
Check our latest multi comment spam update report
Great post ever. Good evidence shows.
great post, glad I read his
When I read your diary yesterday, it was as if I was the one talking. The experiences you encounter were the same I encounter too when coding.
I commented on your diary yesterday explaining how I do not remember my coding lessons sometimes no matter how I try and how I let it go hoping that I'll one day see someone that'll explain it better to me.
Today I'm glad that you have faith and your faith have worked out for you.
It's very important to have faith in whatever one is doing. Always having a positive and I can do spirit helps a lot.
In my own case, if I experience any difficulty while coding, I always motivate myself by telling myself not to give up, to keep trying that it'll get better as a continue learning.
Thanks for sharing this with us @cryptoctopus
You inspire me everyday
love to read it,thanks for sharing this one..
Lovely post..
the picture is very impressive,
1st one is the best one!!
its too good!!
Hahahaha am glad to see this post... Way to keep the mood going, unlike your post of yesterday's... Faith is truly something to keep us going. Nice coding by the way... I told you, you soon start coding from your sleep Lolz. Stephen. Over and out
Indeed @cryptoctopus having faith allows us to overcome difficult situations because it increases our inner strength.
Of course, faith alone is not enough, faith +pro active actions and constant dedication is what brings good results.
Good luck!
You know whats the scary thing? Who took the photo :O
illluminati confirmed
It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES..
Excellent post good analyses thanks for sharing
What an amazing lines with a very deep meaning
Exactly this is our Faith which put us into an Ocean to swim to run heavy ships in storms and it is our faith that enables us to achieve our goals of life.
I am so motivated after reading your great Lines My Friend and I am Convinced Fear is the biggest enemy of Human Learning.
Thanks for giving me motivation as i was also stuck somewhere, But now i can do that with High Energy ;)
Stay Blessed, Steem On!
This is very true, faith allows us to move forward and face our challenges even if we have no evidence that what we are doing is even possible
Indeed, without faith not much can be achieved. If I want to achieve something, I always have faith that I will be able to do it no matter what. I know how powerful it is to have faith in yourself, because I used to be a procrastinator looking for ways to slack off of my goals. If something didn't go my way I always gave up. When I realized that I'm going nowhere with that kind of mindset, I changed my way of thinking that I could do anything if only I believed that I can do it. It's very important to have faith even if not everything is going the way you planned it to go. In time hard work and dedication will pay off.