Helthcheck for celery worker:
This command only works when remote control is enabled.
$ celery inspect ping -d <worker_name> --timeout=<timeout_time>
When a celery worker uses a solo pool, healthcheck waits for the task to finish. In this case, you must increase the timeout waiting for a response.
Helthcheck for celery beat:
I could not find a good solution in the documentation, so I came up with my own.
It works for default celery beat scheduler.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pytz
import shelve
now = datetime.now(tz=pytz.utc)
file_data = shelve.open('celerybeat-schedule') # Name of the file used by PersistentScheduler to store the last run times of periodic tasks.
for task_name, task in file_data['entries'].items():
assert now < task.last_run_at + task.schedule.run_every
except AttributeError:
assert timedelta() < task.schedule.remaining_estimate(task.last_run_at)