This post is going to become the best paid post today!

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

Laonie, I’ve used your picture, I hope you don’t mind. You’re so beautiful!

Hi my name is teamsteem. A lot of you know me by now. I’m here to let you know that this post is going to become the best paid post today. I’m not talking about my post, I’m talking @laonie’s post.

Hello steemit! I am Laonie, a Super Superhero, a Hero of Heroes. 老聂的牛逼哄哄的自我介绍贴

@laonie is the biggest investor Steemit has seen yet. Oh sure you’re free to pose the reading of this very post you're currently reading and go read his post and upvote it, that would make all the sense in the world.

@laonie wallet is estimate to be worth $192,299. He’s currently ranked 114 in the Steem Power rich list. He’s only been on Steemit since 1 week. 99% of that worth has been bought not made from curation or post rewards.

So in a couple of minutes or hours, the biggest Steem Power holders will realized what I’ve just mentioned and they will greet him how there suppose to great the biggest new investor of their "company" and they will treat this post all the respect it deserve. This is how I see it.

When everybody was selling this week, @laonie was buying.

Steempower is the 4th best paid writer of Steemit and he is worth $192,074 if that can give you an idea of how much @laonie has invested.

His post is awesome. His post is more awesome than all other trending post combined, than again I could be wrong. I love his post. Look at what his last line is.

It feels good to have faith and have something you love, you know, it's bigger than money.

I don’t think I’ve read such a beautiful thing ever, it might surpass what I mentioned in my post, The most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.

I don’t care if I might end up wrong about how this post will be treated, it might just be that a lot of the legends aren’t here curating or haven’t seen it for some weird reason. They might have not realized what I’ve mentioned here. I’m trying to type this fast cause I feel like at any moment this post will take off or could take off. One vote for this post could make my whole post worth nothing. Hmm! Every time I’m hearing steemwatch bleeping I’m hoping it’s not a vote for his post.

Yesterday we gave more than 11k to the blockchain girl. I love her very much. I’ve talk to her for almost an hour yesterday. It was awesome. She's smart and her post was totally worth it. Now I'm wondering how much will we be giving to the best introduction post to date by the biggest Steem Power investor?

Now watch the price rise! You've just witness the power of Steem and Steem Power's influence!

Edit: before my post his post was at 300$ something, it's now at 1,700$! I feel like it's a start! I feel like we should send a bigger message to the investor, a bigger support for them! I just saw another legends voting, so it's already more than 1,700$.

I will give all the Steem Dollars I earn from this post to @laonie

After offering the Steem Dollars to @lanoie he said I should keep them and he thanked me, he said he didn't expected this post to do much and he also mentioned that it was the first time he made money with cryptocurrecncies and he expressed some genuine happiness regarding the situation. When I mentioned that I would be giving @laonie the Steem Dollars from this post, my post was already worth more than 1,700$ so I guess it's fair for me to keep these Steem Dollars. I'll also be think as to ways to use these tokens to directly give back to the community.

Further Edit:

Sorry! I'm okay with you disagreeing with me. I've mentioned this in the comments above that I regret this post somewhat, for some reasons. The reason I did it primarily, I think, is that I putted myself in his shoes, when a couple of days ago I realized I had 25,000$ US in Steem Power rather than 4,000$ like I thought I had my joy was so incomprehensible, I had to share with everyone I knew, and even more so, with those I knew from the Steemit community.

My brain put itself into his brain and my brain was only seeing this point of view of him sharing his joy but no one really sharing it back as much as I thought the community should have had and that might have made me acted blindsided and lead to this possibly wrong post or feelings badly expressed. Now all of this said, I feel like there is a possibility that more good than bad come out of all of this. One thing is sure, I've learn from it.

I'm not perfect far from it. Thank you for expressing yourself! (the person who made the comment and that made me wrote this edit) It made me write this thing from which I might be better able to understand myself and the world around me. Thank you.


So, basically you are telling us, the poor, that the rich who are able to invest a lot of money in Steem Power are planning to get even richer out of their Steemit wealth by using their powerful votebait posts.
Thanks. I appreciate it

Sorry, my post might be all wrong. Maybe only content creator should be rewarded and not investor or not in the same way. I'll leave it to that for now I guess. I have to think about this more.

Thanks for reply. I think people on Steemit should be rewarded for intellectual and artistic value they bring to humanity through their posts (I'm not talking about you btw), not for being able to make profits.
Every day I see hundreds of amazing posts, which get nothing just because those people have little Steem Power (can't afford buying Steem Power). All the votes just go to rich who get richer.
Sometimes, tiny minority of all these Steemit poor get lucky for one of their posts and some Steemit rich (whale) upvotes their post. You have to be very lucky, though.
I, myself got lucky once, yesterday, and got upvotes of 200 SD.
All it does, it just gives you an illusion of "Steem Dream" just like American Dream.
Ilusion that you can get somewhere from zero. Fact is that if you have no money, it is all about being incredibly lucky and being in good place at the right time! That's it.

Awesome! I'm so glad you have read them.

I agree with you those with more Steem Power can have an advantage but in the long run intelligent people will the those who gets the most reward on average!

I have been, actually trying to setup SteemWatch, you mentioned, but I need to set up Incoming Webhook through Steem Slack. I click on Steem Slack link there but I can't seem to be able to register atm as it says "Application Offline for Maintenance".
Btw, have you thought about making guide for activating this webhook. I don't think there is any proper guide there. I found this one but it doesn't give proper instructions, just copied screenshots. I could do it myself but I'm an awful writer. I just hate writing unless it is an expression of my opinion.

I agree with you, Steemit should be rewarded for intellectual and artistic value they bring to humanity through their posts, I quoting you. This is exact. I won't comment further right now. You're right that the influence of SP skew this fact but ultimately I think this will be overcome.

Also you violated the rule of not posting more than 4 times a day. Read my 3 part ultimate guide to steemit to learn how to better make use of Steemit. A bit about Steemit is the Prequel and the part 2 but you might what to read it before the part 1.

I know about the rule. I even posted about it in my first post today. Then I decided to break the rule as I wanted to test something - I posted few photos in steemitphotochallange to test Steemit again. It only proved what I expected. Non of people in that challenge who had low Steem Power received any worthy interest. Guys there had really nice photos, often much nicer than the ones from whales. Only photos posted by whales were upovted and valued. What is more ridiculous, is the fact that the whole challenge is sponsored by whales. So basically the whales sponsor each other and multiply their profits.
Btw, I read your guides already. Thanks, they are interesting.

You can get tons of votes with the bots. That is quite a consolation prize, donchathink?

I'm so confused as to what happened here.

im actually confused about the title lol
tl dr actually for me haha

Likewise. It is unbelievable how the reward for this post is up to >$2,100 in 25 minutes after posting. I assume curators and early upvoters will get a reward if this continues. Gotta love SteemIt!

I recommend you guys to read my ultimate guide to Steemit, the 3 parts. That might explain part of it if you can read between the lines.

Honestly, if there is some kind of "hidden magic" to making things like this happen here, then I'm not really interested in the possible monetary benefit of this site. There's nothing miraculous about this post or the post being referenced. It looks to me like a textbook example of circlejerking the people who put more money than others into this site. I'm not crying about not being a whale, I'm perfectly satisfied with how the site has treated me, I just don't get how you say a post will be the most paid of the day, and it actually ends up being a $2000+ post. I'm not sure whether to feel there's some kind of gaming the system that people should be disgusted by or if there's some kind of a flaw that should be fixed before an excessive amount of steem is bled into the wild and it drives the value of everyone's holdings straight through the floor. I mean carry on, you're apparently doing something right.

Bookmarked it for reading later. Thanks!

This reply is going to become the best paid reply today!

Great post , By the way , Klye is the artist who owns that photo , so you should credit him

ha ha Yeah I agree with you

I will! I will reward him. Can you send me his exact Steem name. i'm not sure if it's @kyle Is it?


Cool I will reward him even though I change the picture now.

I have no money and that's why I don't get attention though I try to deliver an enrichment to Steemit. You know what? I won't stop!

That's the way to go!

Wow! Looks like the chinese gonna hit hard on this! Keep Steeming!

They very might will!

Thanks steemit , We are all from China and love steemit

Thank you very much!

this is bullshits just proves that if your post already have 300$ everyone wants a share of it by curating.

They're most probably bot voting for me. I might not be on their list anymore. I posted from my guts. I don't regret anything, well I have mixed feeling about it now but anyway it's done now. I'll survive.

nice to see @laonie 8]

Cool! Same feeling here!

Steemit is good for story sharing.

Thank you! Please you at the edit I made if you feel like it.

Haha! Great post!

Also, this may be the most accurate title steemit has ever seen :) You're on a good path!

Hahaha! I would love too but it totally isn't!

Thanks for the heads up. Also, great artist rendition of him :)

Thank you. I will reard the artist who did it.

I have said similar in other posts. I held on to Bitcoin as there was value beyond money, moved it to steemit when I discovered this place. It held more value in the promise of what it could be buying the small amount of money I've put in. Good post, now to check out @laonie!

Thank you! It means a lot

Let's see if this post becomes the best paid post today. Upvoted ya!

Thank you! My post was wrong and what I said wasn't precise enough. I've learn from posting this so this is good for me.

The bigger the risk the bigger reward. The system works, unless you are talking about running through a minefield with lead snowshoes. That's not a reward.

Sorry. Can you rephrase this?

Hey @teamsteem - I'm having trouble accessing my active key (the private version) which I would like to use for mining. The other versions are all working fine. I've tried everything including changing my password which made no difference. When I click on the box to show the private key it asks me to authenticate but after I've done it (successfully) the private key is not shown the public key is still there. All the other private keys become visible when I click on the boxes though. Is there anybody I could contact to get help with this - I have tried posting about it but have not found a solution. Thanks.

You're doing something wrong. Check and re-check. If you are entering your active key or owner/marter key it should show up, if not then you're fucked. Powering down to another account would be your solution.

Thanks teamsteem for making the post and letting us know about Laonie! It's nice to see large investors coming in and supporting the Steemit community :)

Was checking out Laonie's account - I like his post theorizing about what criteria one of the large upvote bot (wang) looks for (tl;dr - average reward per post & account size):

This is the exact same for me. Thank you. This means a lot. Thank you very much.

@laonie plz upvote, plz :D I'm a poor pleb. I need your love!

Do you realize how obnoxious it is when people beg? My god.

I still don't understand how some people are creating content which is so Amazingly viral and making so much money. However it is early days and I do feel very good as I do have faith, have lots to love and this is much bigger than money for sure :)

Haha! I love your comment. Read my 3 part ultimate guide to steemit you will understand. A bit about steemit is the prequel to the guide and is part 2 of the series but you might want to read it first!

They usually know the right people or get lucky and get noticed by whales. Whether or not something goes viral depends on who upvotes it. If it's a bunch of nobodies, then the thread sinks into obscurity. That's why people like OP are sucking up to whales.


Seriously, fuck you for creating this thread. All you're doing is kissing some whale's ass to get steem. Nobody here actually cares about laonie. Even to you, he just represents money.

Sorry! I'm okay with you disagreeing with me. I've mentioned in the comments above that I regret this post maybe somewhat for some reasons. The reason I did it primarily, I think, is that I put myself in his shoes, a couple of days ago when I realized I had 25,000$ US in Steem Power rather than 4,000$ like I thought I had my joy was so incomprehensible, I had to share with everyone I knew, and even more so with the Steemit community.

My brain put itself into his brain and my brain was only seeing this point of view of him sharing his joy but no one sharing it back somewhat and that might have made me acted blindsided and lead to this possibly somewhat wrong post or feelings badly expressed. Now all of this said I feel like there is a possibility that more good than bad come out of all of this.

I'm not perfect far from it. Thank you for expressing yourself! It made me write this thing from which I might be better able to understand myself and the world around me. Thank you.

Welcome to steemit to all china and chinese from all over the world , greeting from me chinese from malaysia !

Thank you! @rainchen I'd be please if you look at the edits I've made. Thank you for the sharing!

I have to say, I agree with @logic
Has a similar feel to the corrupt banking system

Thank you for the comments. I've precised my thoughts in edits I've made to my post!

Your awesome !
check out this site , think you wil like it !:)

Thank you! I've updated the post precising some of the reasons I've wrote this post. I'd be happy if you'd read them. Thank you. I'll be checking your post.


Yes I totally agree. I guess. I didn't understand, but thank you. I know it's a positive message to me, unless it isn't then I hope somebody will tell me! :)

this post is NOT going to become the best paid post today. But best paid post of all Time

Thank you!

I read about you and a the strong chinese steemit team the other day on pink's superhero post . watching to learn more lets hope for more good than bad .

Thank you! My next post will be awesome. It's ready coming out tomorrow! It'll do good! Thank you for you thoughtful comment!

sama sama , very welcome !

Awesome I'm watching Blake go at it! I upvoted you. Please consider upvoting my post.

Wow! Interesting article!

you did good teamsteem. Even with penalty in effect...not sure what they meant by reposting but you took the risk in reaching out to the community to introduce @laonie Also catchy username, makes me smile because cn is a team effort so go teamsteem.

Yeah! I'm glad you like it! It created a lot of stress and well that's how I felt at that moment!

You have good intentions Force, you are a true Jedi!

Thank you to realize I had good only intention!

nice, really nice

i like this idea!! #payitforward in a way!!! great human being. real steem whales it what we need!! i have a post dedicated to the subject of steem whales. People need to openly discuss more on here, even the negatives of steem need to be discussed! that way we can make steemit only positive ;)

Nobody cares, you fucking shill.