Last trip to Vietnam happened in 2013. It was a wonderful trip that opened my eyes of South Asia.
Border 边境
They said, cross the river, there is Vietman.
Food 饮食
NO.1: Vietman Little Rice Noodle 越南小卷粉
Love these little rice noodle rolls! It is kinda like the burrito, but instead of using flour skins, they use rice skins. The rice noodle skins are very thin and fresh! You could choose different meats, greens, and sauces. I like the mushroom with chicken the best!
挚爱越南小卷粉! 细细的米粉皮是我的挚爱,越南菜比云南菜更加合适我的口味,你可以按照自己的喜好,像吃海底捞一样,做自己喜爱的酱料,挚爱那些酱油、香菜和葱的调和物,可谓人间极品!因为是个冬菇爱好者,所以,常常点冬菇鸡肉的小卷粉!
NO. 2: Noodle Soup 汤河粉
Noodle soup is my favor whenever and wherever! I found that Vietnam noodle soup is very similar to Canton noodle soup. I was super happy when I was in Hanoi last time!
NO 3:French Food 法餐/西餐
French people brought their food cultures to Vietman, expecially, sandwich and coffece. Ice coffece in Vietman is very famous. Besides, French also used Vietman as a colony for growing cocoa , and the raw and processed materials for making perfum. Therefore, some people believe that perfum make in Vietnam is as good as make in France.
NO 4:Street Food 大排档
Street food in Vietnam is very "prosperous"! Tasty and Tasty! Vietnamese like sour and sweet food just as Cantonese.
NO 5:Street Sell 路边摊
Vietman still has certain poor people. These people need to sell in street for living. They could be some cute little boys and girls with a smiling mom. They could also be a old short woman or man with warm wrinkly smile.
Local 乡土人文
NO 1: Villages 乡土
Village restaurants near the road. In Vietnam, most houses are very slim and long, just like the body shapes of Vietnamese girls.
Little Stores in Village 乡村小卖部
Corners of Village 乡村一角
W.C. in Village 乡村茅厕
NO 2:City 城市 : Hanoi 河内
In South Asia, outsiders call these taxi bikes: " Tutu". By this Tutu, it is convenient and cheap to go somewhere nearby. However, I always feel bad to have an old man giving me a ride. These old men deserve better lives.
NO 3: Temples and parks near the streets. 路边的寺庙和公园。
Public Park near the road. 路边的公园。
Vietmanese girls in the park. 公园里的越南姑娘。
Vietnam still has many buildings with Chinese characters, especially at parks, museums, and temples.
NO 4:Corners of city 城市一角
NO 5: Sleepy City : 入睡中的城市
Motorbikes are the major transportation vehicles in Vietnam. 电单车是越南最主要的交通工具。
NO 6: Midnight Hanoi 午夜河内
This bridge is famous because of war and blood. French people came and built this bridge. However, Americans also wanted to share this colony with French. In order to convince French people to share Hanoi with them, the Americans tried to bomb this bridge. However, the bombes were not really hurting the bridge but scratched it a little bit.
(Not Sure if people called it Cầu Long Biên.)
Sounds like you need to go back there :-)
I've never been there. Will have to consider too
我是越南人。有机会再到越南玩一次。 这篇文章写得好真实