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in #cn3 years ago
NoProject Title (can be general scientific field title, it is fine without exact title)中文翻译关键词Impact Factor (IF)Type (Original article, review or meta analysis)Available authorshipsStatus of project (not started, on-going, paper writing, ready to submit)researchers时间摘要
48Green synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles from Nepeta catria potentially produces cytotoxicity, apoptosis through inhibition of proliferative markers in ovarian cancer cells-SKOV3荆芥绿色合成的氧化锌纳米粒子可能通过抑制卵巢癌细胞SKOV3的增殖标志物产生细胞毒性和凋亡3-AprOriginal articleAll positionsReady to submitAgilan+engchong17-May
49Computational screening of FDA-approved drugs as potential inhibitor of myostatin: Drug- repurposing approach对FDA批准的肌肉生长抑制素抑制剂的药物进行计算机筛查:重新利用药物的方法‘2-4’Original articleAll positionsready to submitsayeed18-May已取消
50Ameliorative potential of bovine-colostrum on cognitive dysfunctions in Rice–Vannucci model of the baby rat牛初乳对Rice–Vannucci幼鼠认知功能障碍的改善作用3-AprOriginal articleAll POSitionsready to submitaruna3-JunCognitive Function, baby rat
51Proteomic approach reveals the activation of Apoptosis by Padina gymnospora in oral cancer cell lin蛋白质组学方法揭示了Padina Gymnospora在口腔癌细胞中激活凋亡1-FeboriginalAll positionsPaper WritingBaskar-Cadman22-May

浙江大学学术论文挂名服务 Zhejiang University ISI Research Paper Authorships Sale 林东强 姚善泾 林佑杰 梁慧仪 吴庆珂 盎真科研 Anzen Science Company https://sci.zone/anzensci /stm



  • 主要研究环糊精的生产与纯化技术
  • 在硕博士期间发表了七篇SCI国际期刊文章
  • 浙江大学 生物工程研究所 博士后

Dr Lin Yu Kiat

吴庆珂 Wu Qingke

  • 共同创始人 Co-founder
    上海盎真科技有限公司 Shanghai Anzen Technology Pty Ltd

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