The marvelous experience in The World of Wedgwood - 美轮美奂的英国瓷都之旅 by @aafeng

in #cn7 years ago

This article was written by @aafeng / 本文由 @aafeng 撰写提交

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Original text/原文如下:

I have recently visited The World of Wedgwood, it is a feast for my eyes. I would like to share my experience.

最近参观了英国著名瓷器品牌Wedgwood的体验中心The World of Wedgwood, 被里面精美绝伦的瓷器所震撼,绝对是一次眼睛的盛宴。参观之后才知道,Wedgwood的创世人Josiah Wedgwood竟是如此惊才绝艳的一位人物,他不仅号称英国陶瓷之父,还是英国顶级中的顶级社团月光社的成员之一。下面和大家分享一下这次经历:

The entrance

“Teaware” made by sticks:

Josiah Wedgwood holding his most famed production, the Portland Vase.
这位就是Wedgwood的创始人,大牛Josiah Wedgwood,怀中抱着的是他的成名作品:Portland花瓶

Water in front of the museum:

Lots of visitors here

The factory tour is absolutely worth it - you will be inspired by the craftsmanship and skills passed through the generations.

The models

A typical clay item shrinks by approximately 13% when fired in the biscuit kiln.

All chinaware are fired at temperatures over 1000 degree.

It is a shame that photos are strictly prohibited within the factory.

The shop entrance is very beautiful

Very posh inside:

A lion made by chinaware


Vera Wang has been working with Wedgwood
号称婚纱女王的著名华裔设计师Vera Wang王薇薇和Wedgwood曾经多次跨界合作,设计除了Gilded Leaf 金色年华,Gilded Weave 金色霓赏等系列精品。

The stylish central bar

The tearoom is elegant and graceful

The museum is absolutely fantastic and you should not miss it. Lots of things to see in the museum, I would suggest to leave at least two hours there.

The entrance:

Trails for kids

Elegant corridor


The manual process in early years:

Fine teaware:

Josiah's workbench

Stirrup cup in the form of a hare's head; hand-painted in under-glaze blue.

Jug enamelled in polychrome with exotic birds.

Egypt style chinaware

Bone china

Josiah Wedgwood

Sarah Wedgwood

Wedgwood was a member of lunar society

Big vase


Author @aafeng, Posted By @someone


Wonderful pics, @someone!


Wow, what some beautiful sculptures and pottery, @someone
The artwork is amazing. Thanks for sharing. :)

Thanks for reading my post.

You are welcome.

Wow! so beautiful sculptures and pottery, the artworks are amazing. Thanks for sharing with us :)

Thanks I got to do the journey with you.

Thanks, that's one of the best comments I've heard.

Absolutely marvelous experience .

We were just reminiscing the other evening about Wedgewood and how as kids when we would go and visit our grandmother she would always serve us treats like cashews and raisins in her Wedgewood dishes.



Wonderful, thank you for sharing

Thanks for reading my post.

nice design! upote!
I invite you to see my blog, it's also about my art!

Thanks. Nice art work by you. I've followed you.

Honestly some pictures can transmit information only by looking at them and concentrate. Thank you.

Very true, that's the power of art.

Thank you for your support.

This is really beautiful it is a place to visit next time am on holidays

Thanks, it's definitely worth visiting.

Nice one..

Pottery, it couldn't be more interesting than this.

Yes I will definitely revisit it.

Hope you enjoyed

Yes did. Thanks

You always become useful when you start to write a post and share with us, somehow we should be grateful, because what you submit is really very easy to understand

Beautiful... love this post.

its looks really amazing

Amazing works of art and would no doubt me even more amazing to see in person!

Indeed, definitely worth a visit.

great work.. wedgewood pottery is wonderful

Yes, I was inspired by their fine pottery.

I always visit your blog because you inspires me. Do what you do. Thank you very much for sharing inspiring content.

Thanks, glad you like my post.

This is quite interesting as I never knew teaware can be made by sticks? One day I like to take my travel here too.

Yes, definitely worth a visit.

I have ever heard about twedgwood before but i don't what is like...your post and photos show me more than i expect. Thanks

Nice one dear hope you had a great time

The places and the sculptures are amazing ,first I don't know who is wegwood now I know who is he and his respect

your post is very nice, full pack of knowledge and very attractive :-)

a very valuable experience of course..great post

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Great post with wonderful pictures!

Cool photos. I love the teaware! ! !