Steemit常见问题【解答11.1—12.10 关于粉丝、订阅、转发、分享、区块链、带宽、steem和steemit比特币的区别、区块时间、挖矿】Steemit FAQ (汉译版)

in #cn6 years ago

11.Followers, Feeds, and Resteem

(11.1)What is Resteeming?

This is like reblogging or sharing posts on other platforms. Once you resteem a post it will appear in your feed and in your followers' feeds as if you had posted it yourself. Use it conservatively and with caution. It is great to want to share content you like and appreciate with people you follow, but you don't want to overwhelm your followers either.
这就像转载博客或在其他平台上转发帖子。 一旦你转斯蒂姆(转载)一个帖子,它就会出现在你的信息源和你的关注者的信息源中,就像你自己发布了信息一样。 保守地谨慎使用它。 想要分享你喜欢的内容并欣赏你关注的人是件好事,但你也不想压迫你的追随者。


(11.2)Can I share on other social media?

Yes you can use the share button to share on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. You are welcome to post your Steemit links on other websites and social media sites.
是的,您可以使用分享按钮分享至Facebook、Twitter或LinkedIn。 欢迎您在其他网站和社交媒体网站上发布您的Steemit链接。

(12.1)What is a blockchain?

A blockchain is a public ledger of all transactions ever executed. All of the transactions and data are stored in a distributed database. Each time the database is updated, all of updates are done together in a batch called a 'block'. Each time a new block is produced/added, it is appended on to all of the previous blocks - hence the name "blockchain".
区块链是执行过的所有交易的公共分类帐。 所有的交易和数据都存储在分布式数据库中。 每次更新数据库时,所有更新都在称为“块”的批处理中一起完成。 每次生成/添加新块时,它都会附加到所有以前的块上,因此称为“区块链”。
(12.3)How does bandwidth work on the Steem blockchain?

The Steem blockchain is the publicly accessible distributed database, which records all posts and votes, and distributes the rewards across the network. It is where all of the text content and voting data is stored, and it is where all of the reward calculations and payouts are performed.
Steem区块链是可公开访问的分布式数据库,可记录所有帖子和投票,并通过网络分发奖励。 这是存储所有文本内容和投票数据的地方,也是执行所有奖励计算和支出的地方。
(12.4)What is the difference between Steem and Steemit?

Since transacting on the Steem blockchain has zero fees, bandwidth rate-limiting is employed to safeguard the blockchain from spam attacks. Everything action that you take on the blockchain will consume a small amount of bandwidth. This includes posting, commenting, voting, transferring tokens, etc. Viewing content does not consume bandwidth.
由于在Steem区块链上进行交易的费用为零,因此采用带宽限速来保护区块链免遭垃圾信息(灌水)攻击。 您在区块链上采取的所有行动都会消耗少量带宽。 这包括发布,评论,投票,转让令牌等。查看内容不会占用带宽。
Every user has a limited amount of bandwidth to use each week. The more transactions a user does, the less bandwidth they will have left (until it recharges). Users with more Steem Power will have a higher bandwidth allowance.
每个用户每周都会使用有限的带宽。用户所做的交易越多,他们将留下的带宽就越少(直到它充电)。 拥有更多斯蒂姆影响力(sp)的用户将拥有更高的带宽容限。
Normally everyone's bandwidth allowance is quite high, and users are able to use the network freely without any interruptions. Sometimes when the blockchain becomes busy however (due to heavy use), everyone's individual allowances may go down until the network becomes less busy.
通常每个人的带宽容量都很高,用户可以自由使用网络而不会中断。 有时当区块链变得繁忙时(由于大量使用),每个人的个人配额可能会减少,直到网络变得不那么繁忙。
You can check how much bandwidth you currently have based on the current limit at:
If users are below their bandwidth limit, they will be unable to transact with the blockchain until their bandwidth recharges or their limit is raised.
If you get an error that you have exceeded your bandwidth allowance, it is normally best to just wait and try again later (when it is less busy). Usually if you wait and try again later, the transaction will likley go through.
如果您的错误超出了您的带宽容限,通常最好等待稍后再尝试(当它不太忙时)。 通常,如果您稍后再尝试,交易将会通过。
If you are unable to transact for extended periods of time, or you are frequently running into bandwidth limits, then you will either need to reduce your usage to stay within your limit, or purchase more Steem Power for your account through a third-party exchange such as BlockTrades.
如果您无法长时间进行交易,或者您经常遇到带宽限制,则您需要减少使用量以保持在您的限制范围内,或通过第三方交易平台为您的账户购买更多Steem Power(斯蒂姆影响力)如BlockTrades
(12.5)How is Steem different from Bitcoin?
Steem is the name of the blockchain that stores all of the data and transactions, and processes all of the events that take place. STEEM is also a name for the system’s value token (currency).
Steem是存储所有数据和事务的区块链的名称,并处理所有发生的事件。 STEEM也是系统价值代币(货币)的名称。
Steemit is a front end web interface to interact with the blockchain, and view the blockchain data. Steemit, Inc. is also the name of the company that owns and operates the website
Steemit是一个前端Web界面,可与区块链互动,并查看区块链数据。 Steemit,Inc.也是拥有和经营网站steemit.com的公司的名称。
(12.5)How is Steem different from Bitcoin?

On a technical level, the two networks rely on the same model of a blockchain, but are built upon different technologies and codebase. Steem is based on a new state-of-the-art blockchain technology called Graphene, which uses "witnesses" instead of "miners" to produce blocks.
在技术层面上,这两个网络依赖于区块链的相同模型,但建立在不同的技术和代码基础之上。 Steem基于一种名为Graphene的新型区块链技术,该技术使用“目击者”而不是“矿工”来生产区块。
The "delegated proof of stake" model of using witnesses instead of miners allows for greater efficiency in block production. With BTC, 100% of the new coins that are created are allocated to block producers (miners). With the Steem blockchain, only 10% of the new coins are paid to block producers (witnesses). The other 90% of new STEEM coins are awarded to content producers, curators, and Steem Power holders.
使用目击者而不是矿工的“股权证明”模式允许在块生产中提高效率。 使用BTC时,创建的新硬币100%被分配给区块生产者(矿工)。 通过Steem区块链,只有10%的新币支付给阻止制片人(证人)。 另外90%的新STEEM硬币被授予内容制作人,筛选人和Steem Power持有人。
(12.6)What is the difference between Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, and Delegated Proof of Stake?

Proof of work - Miners solve a complex mathematical problem. The miner that solves the problem first adds the block to the blockchain. The network rewards the miner for doing so.
工作证明 - 矿工解决一个复杂的数学问题。 首先解决问题的矿工将块添加到区块链中。 该网络奖励矿工这样做。
Proof of stake - Requires ownership, or stake, in the cryptocurrency. The more tokens you own, the more block creation power you have. Benefits: eliminates the need for expensive mining rigs, runs on a tiny fraction of the power, and it requires block producers to have a stake in the network.
股份证明 - 要求加密货币的所有权或利益。 你拥有的代币越多,你拥有的块创造能力就越多。 优点:无需使用昂贵的采矿设备,只需很小的一部分电力,而且需要块生产商在网络中占有一席之地。
Delegated proof of stake - Block-creating accounts, called witnesses, are collectively approved by Steem stakeholders. Instead of relying on proof of work to find blocks, the Steem network actively schedules these accounts to improve the time between blocks to 3 seconds.
委托股权证明 - 被称为证人的阻止账户由Steem利益相关方共同批准。 Steem网络不是依靠工作证明来查找块,而是积极调度这些账户,将块之间的时间提高到3秒。
(12.7)How often does the Steem blockchain produce a new block?

The Steem blockchain schedules witnesses to produce a new block every 3 seconds. 21 witness nodes produce 21 blocks in each 63-second round.
Steem区块链安排目击者每3秒产生一个新区块。 21个见证节点每63秒钟产生21个块。
(12.8)Is there a way to see the raw data that is stored in the blockchain?

Yes. The blockchain data can be viewed in different ways with third-party tools such as and
是。 区块链数据可以通过第三方工具(如以不同方式查看。
(12.9)Where can I find the information for the official launch of the blockchain?

The original launch of Steem was on March 23, 2016, announced on There was a bug found in the original code though, and a majority of the stakeholders agreed that it would be easier to fix via a re-launch than a hardfork. The blockchain was reset and officially re-launched on March 24, 2016, via
Steem最初的发布时间是2016年3月23日,在Bitcointalk.org上宣布。 尽管在原始代码中发现了一个错误,并且大多数利益相关者都认为通过重新启动而不是强制修复更容易修复。 该区块链已重置,并于2016年3月24日通过Bitcointalk.org正式重新启动。
(12.10)Can I mine STEEM?

No. Proof of work mining has been removed from Steem.


@sevenusdchain, 棒棒哒~~~ img





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