Some Messy Meaty Indulgence at the Fantastic "Meat Liquor" / 伦敦的特色餐厅Meat Liquor

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


Did you know that there is actually an official "National Burger" day? Well, actually yes, there is! Because on August 24th last week, people around the country celebrated everything burger where eateries give good discounts on their meals only for that specific day. So, I decided to keep to this tradition and make a special day of it too. By indulging at a restaurant I was dying to try out for a long while.

Last Thursday, after a long and tiresome week at work, my husband and I visited the incredible Meat Liquor. One of the go to burger establishments for some serious tasty food. Having received very good reviews and recommendations, I couldn't wait to get stuck in!

We arrived at the doors of Meat Liquor at Soho location around 6pm, hoping to beat the lengthy queues that we were warned from the online reviews . It wasn't too hard to find what with the large red neon sign bearing the legend “meat” over the front door, lol. Luckily though, we were early and walked straight in, as well as being seated a few short moments afterwards.



(Nicely tucked away underneath this interesting looking building.)



(Wow, a book too? Hope it contains the ingredeitns to recreate that great hot sauce they used.)

Once inside, the atmosphere was more reminiscent of a nightclub than restaurant, with it's dull red hues and toned down lighting. Though is was obvious this was the look they were purposefully going for. And it worked a treat, in that respect! I was also definitely impressed by the unique décor, graffiti art-themed wall displays and painted animal heads on the ceiling. All exceedingly edgy and very punk rock ‘n’ roll!

The layout consisted of long wooden bench tables, similar to what you might find in a sushi restaurant. All neatly lined up leading toward the door. It was quite cosy and fashionable, while aesthetically pleasing all at the same time. So overall, a great start!




(Some of the colours look almost Batman-esque, right?)




(A collage of patrons who used the photobooth. Quite a cool design, I think)


(Absolutely loved the animal faces plastered onto the ceiling. Nicely done, guys.)



(Even the artwork outside the toilets is cool, lol!)

At the back-end of the restaurant is a discreet bar area. However we were still early so it was relatively empty there, for the time being. We kick-started our evening off by ordering a selection of thirst-quenching drinks. Our waiter (who was in an especially good mood for some reason) recommended us to try their organic cola beverage, Karma cola. It turned out to be very tasty drink indeed, which I'd describe as a " much stronger flavoured" coke. Very nice! I also ordered some red wine which, to my surprise, came served in something resembling a jam jar, lol.



(The bar area at the back. It got quite busy later on as people finished work.)




(Me holding up an empty can of this cool little beverage. Karma cola, just give it a try if you find it somewhere.)

Meat Liquor offer a range of American-style burgers, fries and sides. You should see some of the wild and wacky names that were written on their menu. This just helped to add to the charm of the place. We ordered the ‘Dead Hippie Burger‘ (yes, you read that correctly), a side of buffalo wings, some chilli cheese fries and four sizeable onion rings. Believe me, that was more than enough for the both of us. Their portions were very generous!


Almost half an hour later, our meals arrived, presented to us on one large metallic tray. Condiments such as ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise were bunched together at certain convenient points along the table, as well as kitchen towels. Very handy given the mess you'll probably make whilst gorging yourselves on this delicious food, lol.


(Those fries are bigger than they look! Sitting next to those awesome chicken wings.)


(Gigantic onion rings and so unbelievably delicious! I wish I could offer you a taste through this picture, lol. As well as those juicy burgers in the background. Mmmmm, good!)

The buffalo wings were incredibly addictive. They come smothered in their specially prepared in-house buffalo hot pepper sauce. An authentic blue cheese dip completes what I consider could be my new favourite hot chicken wings . Definitely better than any other American-style wings I have tasted in the UK so far.


The succulent burgers here at Meat Liquer, are the real show-stoppers. A fluffy, soft bun oozing with juicy, tasty meat patties. The ‘dead hippie burger’ I opted for, was made from two double-layered patties, raw onion, molten cheese, shredded lettuce and topped off with this tangy "secret" burger sauce. Wish I knew how to make it, lol! Just right amount of the greasy, cheesy mess fun. Bursting full of favour and without doubt a first class burger in my book. Simply, a "must-try" food experience.


(Apologies for some of the photos appearing a little dark. That's because the actual place was dark, lol.)

The chilli cheese chips was enormous! More than enough to share by anybody's standards, lol. Thin, crisp fries covered in grated cheese and green chilli on top. I must warn you that they can a tad spicy but not overwhelmingly so. Very, very tasty.


Photo booth is a lot of fun too. Good for saving some precious memories of your visit to Meat Liquer. It's somewhere you won't want to forget, I assure you. And for all the right reasons! The waiter was so nice that he generously gave us a free token to take a few happy snaps!

What you ya think? :)



So ends "national burger" day and an evening filled with scrumptious delights. Though when all is said and done, I would absolutely recommend a trip down to Meat Liqueur to try out their selection of mouth-watering burgers for yourself. Everything from the subtle ambient vibe of the place to the friendly, helpful staff to the gorgeous treats they have within their menu's. The whole experience from start to finish, is out to be remembered. So to all you burger lovers out there (and I know there are a great many of you!), come over to Meat Liqueur and treat yourself to a sample of their spin on what a real burger tastes like.



经过漫长而疲惫的一周工作以后,我和先生都迫不及待地来到了这家名叫“肉酒” (Meat Liquor)的餐厅。他们家在网上得到了一系列的星级评点,据说这里有全伦敦最好的汉堡!




餐厅的后半部分是酒吧。由于我们早到,所以人还不多。我们先在酒吧点了一些饮料,服务生非常善谈,建议我尝尝他们的有机可乐- Karma可乐。事实证明Karma可乐的确比普通的可乐更有味道,真不错!我还点了一杯红葡萄酒,没想到红酒装在一个类似于果酱的罐子里,果然有特色!








汉堡日终于以一个最完美的方式结束了。我会建议大家有机会去“肉酒”(Meat Liqueur)尝尝令人垂涎的美味汉堡餐。这里环境不错,服务员友好亲切,食物超棒,对于那些汉堡爱好者们,可不要错过哦!

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I liked it alot

Did you know that there is actually an official "National Burger" day? Well, actually yes, there is! Because on August 24th last week, people around the country celebrated everything burger where eateries give good discounts on their meals only for that specific day. So, I decided to keep to this tradition and make a special day of it too. By indulging at a restaurant I was dying to try out for a long while.

The interior and atmosphere of the restaurant is very good.
It looks like a zombie will come out.
The food also looks very good.
I want to go once.

Lol, the atmosphere was part of it's charm.

The atmosphere of the restaurant is very colorful and romantic. very colorful artistic photography, foods are also looking delicious. Thanks for sharing.

Loved the image of the #FRIES with Mustard slathered all over. Sick !

Cool party atmosphere .. what a Lot of pictures! That's neat. Kinda reminds me of a place in Campbell CA I visited - Buca di Beppo (It had images of a lot of rather famous folks - like Sinatra, Dean Martin, Judy G. etc. )

It's a nice #ITALIAN #Restaurant - in case anyone is ever in the Bay area, give it a go ! Here's the Menu:
The place has nice lighting too [as Shown in 7th picture ]. It is awfully cool looking.

Good they have craft beer, too

Thank you, @janashby. If I am ever over in your part of the world, I'll keep that place in mind. :)

thx for sharing

Thank you, Rea! I think that Exyle, my son, will be back in London soon. He loves burgers and the other food on your pictures. I follow you for more awesome stories like this. Thank you!

Hey there, @clio! Hope you are keeping well! Oh yes, I can guarantee after seeing these photos, he will return. And you are also most welcome to visit us too. :)

woow these photos are incredible, I saw them and I wanted to be there and eat everything that appears these french fries look amazing as do the hamburgers with a rich beer, very good and complete post, thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the kind words. They serve a variety of beers there so next time round I'll take your advice. :)

How cool is that place? the colors.... Maybe I don't have to visit London. I can just read your posts! ha ha

Thank you @geke. That's very sweet of you to say. :)

yummy food....upvote and resteem

Thank you, @lautenglye.

u r welcome :)

wonderful post, i am also a foodie.. keep posting mam..

A fellow foodie! Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

@rea wow nice place and you enjoy a lot..thanks for sharing..specially the food..
i'm so hungry..

Very good
I like it 👌👌

congratulations rea, greetings know @ samsuel, I've seen all your posts, you are so amazing, therefore I want to follow you, because I just started in this steemit, your post is very useful hope you can help teach me about deeper know how to use steemit so that we become extraordinary like you, I salute you, a little from me. best regards @samsuel

Thanks for your support, @samsuel. :)

Great place ,The food looks delicious thanks for sharing!

Those burgers look sooooo good! I know what I'm after for lunch!

That'd be a great choice. :)

还真不知道有这个日子。今天就吃了个大汉堡当补一下吧 我:)

NSFV - Not safe for vegetarians!

let's go to that nice place

great post, i like it :)

Interesting looking place, kinda cool though. Good that you were able to really enjoy what they offered and your experience there.

Definitely! To the extreme! :)

Very good location. I like the design :)
Thanks for sharing

Nice post dear friend @rea

That is some ocult weird stuff xD but it's so cool!!!

What a union with that devilish food, right?

Thank you for the effort in this article

My mouth was watering the whole time i was reading this :D

Lol, it makes me hungry to thinking about it. :)

Oh, wooh, im very tired, just finished my article about Astana, gotta spread the word and then sleep, please check it here... Sorry for advert, im just tired and wanna sleep, i have less than 6 hrs :( so have a good day everyone, see ya ;)

The burgers look good but the prices remind me why I left the UK. £8.75 for a burger? Wow! Yesterday I had burger fries and a superb craft beer for well less than half of that price. Great post though @rea Keep them coming. Glad I follow you.

That price for a burger is considered quite reasonable for living in London. That's just the way it goes, lol. Thanks you commenting.

excellent post, did not know that there was hamburger day, very interesting

Neither did I until quite recently. :)

Cool place, everything is looks unique...

Wow 餐厅装修好酷,有一点万圣节的感觉😄


I like your channel I supported your way of delivery to the peolpe , the understand your defenetion

makes my tummy grOwwwll :)

這好適合下班晚上去放鬆一下~~ :D


This is such a cool place to eat. The food looks amazing, my stomach is groaning just looking at your pictures. 😋

Lol, the hypnotic effects of good food. :)





i was initially stymied by the fact that there is actually a day to celebrate junk food, but then i said hey does it really matter? it is just ONE day ;)

We all gotta live a little, right? :)

you scared me with the name, I thought it was meat flavored alcohol! Phew!

I usually don't miss western food, especially not hamburgers but I would so love that right about now

If you are after a cheeky munch, this place will more than do the trick. :)

饿了饿了, 来看看我的吧



好 迫不及待

Brilliant place 😂😂 is nuts loved

The whole decor, the atmosphere, not to mention the food, thanks sharing this.
Made me very hungry indeed!

Oh wow! I am not in London much anymore, but I am adding this place to the list for my next visit - looks awesome!!

very nice place to travel. if i have some money i want to go that place.. thanks for sharing a good story of travelling.
Best regards

What a hearty meal you had there. The place looks like an artwork and those onion rings are humongous.

Oh man, you mean to tell me I missed National Burger Day?!
I love Meat Liquor. I've been to the one in Soho a couple of times. But I am probably due another visit soon. Perhaps I should take my Hubby with me, he would love it.

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