A Memorable Evening with some Exceptional Steemit Friends / 难忘的Steemian聚会

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


Tonight turned out to be one of the best evenings we've had for a while. Our good friends @exyle and @bkdbkd came over to visit us from The Netherlands and we also met up with @nanzo-scoop, a brilliant Steemian from London, for some Chinese food.

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We all met up in Tianfu restaurant near Westfield in White City. Those who followed my blog will remember I once posted a blog about this place. One of the authentic Chinese restaurants in North West London and deservedly so.

The food was fantastic as usual but the highlight of the evening was our conversation about Steemit and the crypto world. The steem price has drastically gone up like a rocket in the past week from $3 to $8. The fact that it actually happened is still just about sinking. It was such a great feeling to catch up with like-minded steemians. Talking about our views on current trends including the bright future of Steemit too. Like @ezzy said during our dinner, it was almost like a sort of therapy chatting with people who really ”get it" instead of just going crazy by yourself, lol.

@exyle has done fantastically well with his blog as well as his “@blockbrothers” witness project. Such a great guy, whom we met at Steemfest I and became such good friends ever since. He purchased most of his steempower at the lowest point and has kept diligently blogging for the past year. Well deserved for what he has achieved on Steemit so far!

@nanzo-scoop, the smartest of investors, who has tons of knowledge about the crypto space in general. A very genuine guy too, despite his extraordinary success on Steemit. So down to earth and easy to talk to. It was our absolute pleasure to be surrounded with such fantastic company.


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After the food, we then headed toward the outside perimeter of Westfield to have a drink. We opted for "The Bull", which is a bar and restaurant. Really liked this place. The atmosphere was chilled with cool decorations and a nice crowd. Including a great selection of beers and wines to choose from combined with good service overall. Very personal and friendly but without being overbearing. Very nice indeed.






Obviously we indulged in yet more talks about Steemit, lol! To all of us, Steemit has honestly changed our lives in ways we could never have imagined. We honestly cannot be more thankful to Ned and Dan who were the visionaries in creating this amazing platform for everyone!

Steem On, my steemian friends!


Strong bond with Steemian friends (@ezzy, @nanzo-scoop, @exyle)

昨天我们的好朋友 @exyle@bkdbkd从荷兰过来伦敦探访我们,晚上一起与生活在伦敦的 @ nanzo-scoop 聚会,大家度过了一个非常愉快的夜晚。


川菜的风味别具一格,那辛辣劲吃得我们大家很过瘾!不过当晚的亮点绝对是我们关于Steemit与虚拟货币的谈论。在过去一周,Steemit价格巨幅上涨,从3美金飞跃到8美金!对于这个突如其来的转变,其实我还没有真正静下心来慢慢消化。能与志同道合的Steemian朋友互相交流感想,各自对这个平台以及虚拟货币的目前走势以及前景,真是非常兴奋与激动。正如@ezzy在我们晚餐中所说的那样, 对于像我们这些疯狂的Steemian来说,这样的交流相当于是一种心理治疗法,哈哈!

@exyle通过自己不懈的努力与坚持,在平台上取得了很大的成功!不光他的帖子很受欢迎,连他最近与朋友联合办的见证人项目也搞得相当出色。我们是在Steemfest I 的聚会上认识的,一见如故就成为了现实生活中的好朋友。最难得的是@exyle在Steemit价格最低的时候坚信平台并大量买进,所以能有今天的成就,他的确当之无愧!

在餐馆吃饱喝足以后,我们来到了Westfiled 商场外围的酒吧街喝了一杯。“公牛”是一家挺不错的餐馆兼酒吧,里面的气氛很好,啤酒和葡萄酒的选择蛮多的。侍应生也特别有礼貌,殷勤地为我们服务。

我们聊了更多关于Steemit的话题,哈哈!对于我们来说,Steemit以我们无法想象的方式改变着我们的生活,真心感激Ned 和Dan两位这么有远见的创始者,为大家创办了这个令人震撼的平台!



So cool @rea, I hope to meet with you and @ezzy soon again myself! Enjoy your time together.

Hope to meet you again too, bud. :)

Hi Ben, would love to meet you again soon!

@rea How cool is this to have great friendships that make for great content on STEEMIT ??


呵呵, 大家一起聊聊天而已。有机会来一年一度的Steemfest, 挺不错的。


It nice meeting friends I hope and believe you guys enjoyed yourself. Nice post

Good photo shots, I love the union.

I think @exyle the most handsome.

I think he will be very happy to hear that, lol.

Lovely, i love the companionship...

is that @nanzo-scoop? where are you guys? That guy on the left feels familiar too? is he a steemian?

Edit: it is @exyle I meet both at Amsterdam. I must say I am a bit jealous. Can I move there with you guys?

i like your article. and i already folow you. if you have time visit my bog @ yulissari

I love the ambiance of the place and your friends look really friendly.

Oh, Rea sitting here in my house in Rotterdam, I must confess, I am a little jealous. But that is not fair because we leave for France on Sunday and we will have a wonderful time over there. I wish you all happy days in London, have fun with each other and you know, there are also other conversation topics then crypto (lol).

it's just a nice moment for all friends union... cool

All these Steemit meet ups look like good times

It was fun indeed!

How lovely rea. I hope you guys had a lot of fun

Have a great time!

Nice sharing session, not only through internet but also face-to-face.

good analysis keep it up

This moments with our friends, they are the best moments for remember in the future, I Will follow you :D

Really nice of u of meeting up! Hope u had a productive night @rea

Nice to meet you Rea ! Randy

An amazing evening with close friends. What better way to kick off a weekend visit! hat other topics Wil be on the agenda?

Wow, I canNOT wait until I find myself meeting up with Steemians that I didn't know before the platform. Loving seeing it in action.!

"To all of us, Steemit has honestly changed our lives in ways we could never have imagined."

I'm right there with you!

Nice one @rea ... I hope to meet with you here in Nigeria so we could rob minds... Great you💛👍

Congratulations @rea, this post is the sixth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superhero or Legend account holder (accounts hold greater than 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superhero and Legend account holders during this period was 42 and the total pending payments to posts in these categories was $8774.10. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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OMG I love this post! From the adventures with friends the best stories are born!
Well I'm new in here and I post amazing pictures about yoga because that's my passion! Sure you like! I follow you! kisses <3

rea!! Thank you, your Post.

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Thanks so much~!!

The MasterMind group in full effect! Wish I was there :D

Such a pleasure and uplifting meetup there. I bet you guys and gals enjoyed the gathering moment @rea :)

Nice post

That's amazing! Hope one day if I fly to London for work, I would love to meet you guys up one day!! Nice to meet you @rea :)

Please show your Support by upvoting the post. It will motivate me to bring more amazing places and pictures for you guys. Also, comment your suggestions and questions if any regarding my Photography or information about the place.


真棒博客! 看看我的博客,给我你的意见.

I can't wait to start traveling and meeting my Steemit community in person. Especially if we can do it off nothing but value generated with in the community. Cheers, and thank you for the story.

@rea wow, how did you end up meeting other steemians in person? I would LOVE to do this as well! So much fun!