Exactly two years ago, recalling departing Melbourne to return Sydney is a true milestone with leap of courage. The way I choose the word “courage”, you see, shows mindful deliberation. Life is hard in a sense that we constantly face choices we must made every day. From choosing how we feel which directly impact on what attitude we choose to uphold, we own the life path we’ve walked ourselves into. Freedom, in the sense, carries a lot of weight: freedom is indeed the freedom choose and the responsibility to live with the consequences of the choices we made.
恰恰兩年前,我們選擇從墨爾本回到悉尼,那是一個人生小里程碑,某種程度這是個勇氣的跨越。我選擇“勇氣”代替這“信念” 這個字眼,你看,那是表明了我的謹慎用詞。生活的困難其實很多時候是來自與我們每天都選擇面對這很多選擇。從選擇正面的思想,到選擇做一個好人,我們選擇的心態,走向我們走向生活的道路。自由,某種意義上來說其實很沈重的,因為那意味著我們要為自己的選擇負責。
Nevertheless, returning to Melbourne reminds me how far we’ve gone through. In hindsight, every choice is a right one and a wrong, in the terms of relativity. We could only trust in the river flow of life that keeps us moving forward.
無論如何,這次回到墨爾本旅行,重溫舊夢。不僅讓我想起了我們經歷多少風雨。事後看來,相對論啟示我們:每一個選擇是對的,也是錯的,只有相信生活的河流,日子只能往前走 一個方向順時鐘向前發展。
Sydney’s Weather VS Melbourne’s Culture
Straight landed in the airport to drive through the Lemon’s wheel( The ferris wheels in Dockland that publically went through a few rounds of defect fix). Melbourne is cold, bitter and windy and depressively miserable wasteland. If Melbourne’s weather is schizophrenic, then Sydney is the golden child who is blessed with the waterfronts, the bayview and endless sunshines under the cloudless sky.
直接降落在機場駕駛著檸檬的摩天輪(Dockland的摩天輪,公開經歷了幾輪缺陷修復)。墨爾本是寒冷,苦澀,多風和沮喪的荒蕪荒地。如果說墨爾本的天氣好比精神分裂症,那麼悉尼就是含著金鑰匙出生的孩子 - 無際的藍天,海灣,港口景觀和無盡的陽光。
The Arty Farty Town
Forget about the high scraper suite with a view of the harbour and a few minutes walk to the Opera bar. Melbourne town is all about the art, culture, the coffee, and hipster fusion restaurants. For this trip to the Melbourne, we have chosen the The Olsen Hotel in South Yarra - where the best memories of Melbourne was planted and love was found and blossom.
墨爾本沒有炫耀的達令港,雪梨港口景觀,步行幾分鐘即到的歌劇院酒吧。墨爾本是藝術,人文文化,時尚咖啡廳,新穎的美食發源地。在墨爾本的這次旅行中,我們選擇了位於時尚高大上South Yarra區的奧爾森酒店- Chapel Street, South Yarra 那裡是我在墨爾本最好的回憶。
This is the second time we’ve stayed at one of the offerings at the Art Series Hotel Group, The Olsen Hotel. It’s trendy, arty and stylish. At the reception, there is complimentary refreshment stand with the trendy T2 Tea serve for guests. There is always bikes and small electric cars park at the front of the hotel for hire.
The hotel's design was inspired by John Olsen's original artwork and prints adorning on the hallway and wall.
Everytime when I walked past The Olsen on Chapel Street - The aquatic pool stands out as I look up onto the second floor, I always wondered what it looks from the inside.
每次當我走過教堂街上的奧爾森 - 當我仰望二樓時,藍色游泳池十分耀眼,我會想不知道從裡面會是怎樣。
The Little Soho - Chapel Street in South Yarra
South Yarra 酷似紐約是的小Soho(South of Houston) 購物中心
Chapel Street is “the little Soho” or the Oxford Street in Sydney. Full of fashion boutiques and stylish shoppers.
South Yarra 的 Chapel Street is 潮人時尚地帶
The Iconic Melbourne Tram with the advertisements for a musical show
Melbourne is spoilt with choices for so many cool bars, cafes and restaurants. A few years ago, at the early days of my adventure of Melbourne, I’ve had a business meeting at the Spoonbill Restaurant & Bar. The food was great and ambience was classy and reasonably relax. I was determined to revisit this joint and retrieve the memories of Melbourne.
I was in the mood for fresh vegetarian dish, so I choosed the Zucchini fritters with Guacamole and tahini yogurt and some chilli sweet corn with butter. Despite the fact that the Zucchini fritters appeared more like falafel, I was still happy with it. For a great cafe, the food was not important, it’s the hospital service and convenience.
The good news is the cocktail bar is open at night. We’ve ordered the Purple Rain and White Russian. Yummy!
Burch & Purchese Sweet Studio
Right next to the hotel, there is pink Burch & Purchese Sweet Studio. I love to visit here for every Melbourne trip. And….come back with some trophies.
酒店旁邊有個粉紅色卡哇伊的B&P甜品屋。全墨爾本至此一家在South Yarra。 每一次去墨爾本回來都要的戰利品!
The baby girl and baby boy bear popsicle, chocolate blocks with salted popcorn, fine gold sticks, B&P Half Chocolate & Hazelnut and Half Salted Caramel Spread .
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