My photography Lushan Landscape / 大雨过后的美景 (佛门净地)

in #cn9 years ago (edited)

Lushan mountain's beauty after the heavy rains, Heavy rain prevents people Mountain climbing,There are 8 routes up the mountain to the top, if you want to walk,I can give you a guided tour,Welcome to Lushan of China!

出发前天气晴好,看到山上全是雾,刚到山脚下突然的大雨让人们纷纷回头,大家淋得全身湿透, 我们躲过了大雨, 中午在佛门吃了顿素饭,清淡,咸菜是最好吃,小家伙今天差点考到我了,问:那屋顶上那个骑马的是什么,以前在北京游玩的时候见过这个,我说那是 “骑凤仙人,他已经排到第一位了,不能太贪了,不能再往前走了,再走就掉下去摔死了” 刚刚百度了一下,只答对了一点点

小家伙拜佛许了个愿望,我问是什么,出乎我的意料,他说想让ipad上的tom猫快点长大 :)

下大雨,等雨的时候,被师父叫到躲雨, 有缘吃到佛门的素菜

Bald is the most comfortable, put on clothes when the monk / 光头是最舒服的,换身衣服,真可以当和尚




Красиво много зелени чистый воздух!

风景如画,是个出家当和尚的好地方 ^_^

我去,不一定收, 不能吃肉,不能喝酒 :)

Beautiful surroundings and great shots, upvoted & followed! Here you can visit my latest article with photography too and I´m really happy about your votes guys: