When winter comes to Yantai, it really feels different 冬天来到雪窝,感觉真的是不一样

in #cn7 years ago

听说最近烟威地区有大雪,于是乎鬼使神差的来到这里,不期而遇。I heard that there has been heavy snow in Yanwei recently, so I came here unexpectedly


海、天、雪共一色。The Sea, the sky and the snow are all colors


大雪纷飞,情侣在寒风中不知在说着什么,远方的渔船似乎有一种被冻在了海面上的感觉。阴沉的天空显得格外的低,意境使然。Snow Falls, lovers in the cold wind is saying something, distant fishing boats seem to have a sense of frozen on the sea. The gloomy sky appears to be especially low, the artistic conception made.


大乌龟望着远方,显得十分的俏皮。The big turtle looked far away and looked very witty.
