My doodles and dolls 我的塗鴉與手作娃娃

in #cn3 years ago


Hi! As I mentioned previously, I enjoy making rag dolls during my free time. Let me show you my process and some of my creations (see above)! I also make join dolls but I'll showcase them later in another post ;)

嗨! 正如之前提到的,我喜歡在空閒時製作布娃娃。 在此向各位展示我的一些創作過程(請參考上圖)! 我也製作球體關節娃娃,我會在稍後另一篇文章中展示;)


In addition to making rag dolls, I also like to find fitting accessories for them. I think you can tell that I really like collecting vintage stuff from my creations.



Here, I drew some instructions about how to make dolls on the wall for an exhibition. It was an interesting experience! My dream is to publish a book about making dolls, but I've still a long way to go!
