从大同的拆迁看--------中国的法制建设9----民众的觉醒 Judging from the Datong Demolition -------- China 's Legal Construction 9 ---- People' s Awakening

in #cn7 years ago (edited)



The ancient city demolition price is too low, interior decoration is not compensated.
Cultural tourism government license, officials scrapping scraps of land.
"Negative space" from a name, the second demolition of the people bully!
Imperial East Renhe imitation, the price of 10,000 yuan still up!
Local government chaos planning, new homes into shanty town!
耄 耋 elderly really poor, ten years new house strong requisition demolition!
Assessing blindly with the people and compelling people to visit Beijing!
Phoenix Jiayuan small leather lane, hundreds of owners walking!
Action consistent hunting dog, plan fine around the wolf!
Datong people really together, Shuozhou court people sue,
Civilian officials on the thin court, according to the government rights activist panic!
In the face of the trial licensee, Bao Gong whether to sit down again?
Lawsuit win or lose is not important, drag him three years why not.
Residential heart of the ancient city of Qi, do not give room to move money!
Local resettlement villa, all near the courtyard!
Holding Festival songs in my generation, fear violent style!










快乐的交流电: 祸国殃民的感觉











有氧健身操: 回复 亲个蛋儿龙龙 :我曾经也是拆迁户,并且是第一批拆迁户深爱这座城市,想当支持建设我们大同,一腔热情义无反顾无条件服从政府的规划搬迁只为有个美丽大同,这么多年过来,渐渐的领悟到何为大同的经营城市,城市经济不振,老百姓生活成本增加,从房价无厘头的暴涨中渐渐醒来了,一场赤裸裸的戏

滝谷㊣源治: 回复 有氧健身操 :城市以人为本,富裕大同不是光政府富裕,老百姓富裕那才叫富裕大同。

有氧健身操: 回复 滝谷㊣源治 :是的,理想大同。政府有他的雄伟蓝图有时候老百姓也真的是作茧自缚。例如,现在去御东接盘的有不少是拆迁户,爆发户心理作祟。明知道御东是大量的外来资金在炒盘准备洗劫大同人,政府也将这大量外来热钱套在了御东,为什么老百姓还要跟风御东?就让这些热钱为大同城建做贡献多好




本是平城一书生: 不说别的,法庭审判长多次很惊讶的问:“你们大同拆迁不分层次?”为这个审判长点赞!!!不管结果如何,这个审判长敢说话,多次问的政府哑口无言

高价收女吧友: 回复 本是平城一书生 :间接进行了普法,让人们知道了要开听证,要有专项资金等等。



走快活去: 顶个,实业没来几个,房价倒是坐上火箭了,





支持业主用法律手段维护自己的合法权益 希望人们的政府在一切利益面前首先想到的是广大人民的利益 并且是一个依法执政的政府



Keep in sight, if the owners win, it can open a new era of law. A large number of similar lawsuits will appear in the municipal government and public awareness of safeguarding their rights will be greatly enhanced.

The judge asked the government without any reservations as to the objective and favorable to the common people

The next session of the court, for a professional lawyer, the court is no longer words, but the sentence should be said on the idea! First of all, we do not agree with the demolition, we live in a good unwilling to demolition! Second, you have to demolish, but you set the demolition compensation Ordinance, an illegal, two do not meet the laws of the market! Compensation is too low! An old farmer in Taiyuan demolished a courtyard and gave more than six million people, which is equal to two hundred years of old man kindness. Would you like it? Datong short-lived buildings, heard demolition, all cry! Really is the government's sadness!

Put all the people to catch the ancient city, expect those who buy a million courtyard, so that the ancient city to live together, fire it? Not popular, how can the ancient city of life, fire up? What is popular? People are popular, not those who buy millions of courtyard! Those who live in Datong a few days a year! So, the ancient city can not leave the people, this kind of demolition is best stopped! Wrong must change, good Mo Yan!

Regardless of the outcome, at least a good beginning, which as before when certain, simply do not accept

Support the people, demolition of people are demolished poor

Happy exchange of power: disastrous feel of the country

This must support it. If you win the favor that too many people, for everyone to win more compensation.

Geng Yanbo had long been in jail, national law and then resettlement relocation, to him that demolitions, 5 years can not give the house placement.

This time the whole country knows the truth about compensation for demolition in Datong in the past ten years

No matter what the outcome, it is a civil society progress.

The flies tiger can win later without this lawsuit

Come on! Like Yang Nae-wu and cabbage, persevere in the end, to see what kind of attitude the law in the end for the common people.

No matter who wins, that society is progressing, rule of law is not a dream! Top one, like both parties, to see how the court ruled that mediation

This is a spring thunder in the history of the legal system in Datong. All people who have conscience and hope that the country is rich and powerful should all cheer! In our country with strong feudal consciousness, since ancient times, there has been an excuse of "the Yamen is facing southward and there is no money to come in." This is in contradiction with the "useless report" of netizens in the Great Cross today Out of a type of life experience. This reflects not only the difficulty of adhering to the rule of law but also the importance of governing the country by law. If people are not subjected to any injustice into the Yamen seeking legal advice, then our legal system will have the hope of realizing the dream of a horse in January? Therefore, we should pay tribute to the benevolent lords who explode this sound of spring!

I found Datong it is much more in the slave, kneeling for too long, will not stand. He is still a slave's life, every day for the master worry.

Regardless of the outcome, this is, after all, a milestone in safeguarding the rule of law in Datong, and Datong has always been the subject of political guidance along with the government on the Internet. Letting such landmark legal claims be started by a group of public opinion leaders, Words. Datong people can only sacrifice sacrifice for small home for everyone, it seems that all the top crowning development is noble and fair way. Think about the root causes? Nothing more than Tatung nearly more than a year of soaring house prices, who is behind the Trader we all know. Take the last of this auction in December to the king, insider who are good at a big game of chess, pulled up is expected to give the next step of policy control reserve downside. The intensity of the policy control of the unprecedented, that those who do not have the title of big room for regional risk assessment? Yes, the king to get behind the additional terms trading blending who knows, those numbers are for ordinary people to see, the purpose is to let people from the heart that Datong house prices should rise, rise reasonable. To determine whether there is speculation in a city real estate speculators speculation or behind Trader only need to see two conditions, which is recognized as a standard. First, whether the second-hand housing prices and the existing new home prices upside down, and second, whether the suburbs and the main city upside down prices, and look carefully Datong what

Aerobics: Reply pro-egg Dragon: I was once also a relocatee and was the first relocatee to love this city and wanted to support the building of our city Datong, a passionate unconditional obedience to the government's plan Relocation For a beautiful Datong, so many years come, and gradually realize what is the Datong business city, the urban economy slump, people's living costs increase, rising from the nonsense house prices gradually wake up, a naked play

滝 Valley ㊣ source governance: aerobic exercise Reply: Urban people-oriented, wealthy Datong is not rich in light government, people wealthy That wealthy Datong.

Aerobics: Reply 滝 Valley ㊣ Source governance: Yes, the ideal Datong. The government has his majestic blueprint Sometimes people are really cocooned. For example, there are a lot of relocated households in Tokai to access the plate. Ming know Royal East is a large number of foreign funds in the fried dish ready to ransack Datong, the government will also be a large number of external hot money set in the Royal East, why ordinary people have to follow the trend of Royal East? Let these hot money to contribute to Datong city construction how good

Law and blind people are a lot of brainless, I suggest you learn a nation-state regulations and then spray

The development of cities can not be exploited by government speculation in land grabbing

Datong people have been illegally demolished 10 years ** brain, take a look at the surrounding cities Zhangjiakou, Jining, Shuozhou, Xinzhou, Taiyuan demolition compensation to know the childish and ignorant spray

This is a flat city a scholar: do not say anything else, the court presiding judge repeatedly very surprised to ask: "You Datong demolition is not hierarchical?" Praise for the presiding judge! ! ! Regardless of the outcome, the presiding judge dares to speak and the government which has repeatedly asked is speechless

Bargain-hunting female friends: This is a reply Pingcheng a scholar: Indirectly carried out the law, so that people know to open hearings, there must be special funds and so on.

Arm twisted over the thigh? To have a fair and just result that everybody is satisfied with. In addition to fooling around Only think of a way to push this hot search, and then let some officials, developers vomit out a little benefit to the owners. Such a small fight want to have a result. Naive Developers can take a sum of money to buy water navy to guide the truth, the owner can?

Phoenix home owners support! ZF a little time can not be introduced Datong Datang Entity? Just nonsense, good play demolition play! Have the ability to Foxconn that it is similar to the entity to introduce it to us a 5.6! That house prices rose, I also think it should be, ** Han contributions do not every day nonsense, demolition pulled prices!

Go happy to go: the top, the industry did not come to a few, but the price actually get on the rocket,

That people's concept of the rule of law strengthened, it is estimated enough to choke officials Guanghuang

As the monetary environment changes, the credit environment is no longer the past, the policy environment is still tightening, and the market sentiment tends to be calm from the panic. Although the real estate market in some areas is still strong, the upward momentum of housing prices no longer exists.

So for cities that lack industrial and population support and do not have economic fundamentals, everything has just begun.

Will the domino effect happen?

Support owners to use legal means to safeguard their legitimate rights and hope that the people's government in the face of all interests first of all is the interests of the general public and is a government in accordance with the law

You do not need to trumpet the government, you see the full video, the plaintiff's original appeal is not folded, the so-called figures that are just a proof of demolition chain illegal. People have come to understand, as long as the house handed over is the lamb to be slaughtered. To have room for money and other monkey year of the month, jumping too happy, conscience do not let the dog eat

Support the landlord rights!




丽君838: 错了,是政府无赖,政府先把学校这些迁移走了,拉低房价,然后拆迁,以后如果都这样拆迁,能有几个给好好补偿的





N_rom: 他们在里面提的,有些不合理,但有些很合理,比如装修损失很合理。此事情要价二万多一平这个不太合理(因为本地属于四五线城市,区域经济情况摆着那,况且城墙内以多元开发拉动文物修复),但是有的要素已经戳住官府软肋。上面要是按照规则要求走,有些方面咱们本地已经不太符合规则了。





阿斯顿维拉时代: 说实话闹一下也不错,确实把市里的人拆穷了,院子不算平米,下房或小房、车库都给一些补偿少的可怜都不算平米。你看看农村怎么拆;上房、下房、碳房、院子全算平米几乎每家都最低2套房,像他们父母的房那时村里不缺地都批的很大、院子都大,拆迁时候那个不都是七八套房这是少的。






Well, people who are arbitrarily slaughtered not long ago pick up legal weapons to protect their legitimate rights and interests,

Defenders right very good, thanks to the present rule of law wow, then demolished our house, no one dared to go to the above, it is estimated that the lawsuit can win

Yes ah, so many words are we want to say, if this lawsuit won the people, then there is a precedent

Lijun 838: Wrong, is the government rogue, the government moved these schools first go away, lower housing prices, and then demolition, if all such demolition later, there are several to give good compensation

1 In the present case, the administrative proceedings should be the plaintiff and the defendant's agent, while the nameplate on the court is marked as public prosecutor and defender, which is the layout and appellation of criminal proceedings. 2 The plaintiff did not litigate the case of a large number of empirical evidence can not highlight the key, but also for the judge to summarize him, if a solicitor will be better. 3 According to the price of the courtyard houses built after demolition in the ancient city, the asking price of twenty-five is reasonable and reasonable. 4 The defendant agent obviously has a wealth of experience in the courtroom, succinctly and concisely.

I think the plaintiff should be: 1 demolition according to law. 2 site relocation. 3 the same lot of relocation. 4 floor difference compensation, lot margin compensation. 5 to be renovated and lost compensation.

Right in their direction, routines are right, that is, can not find a breakthrough, too amateur.

An iconic thing

N_rom: They mentioned in the inside, some irrational, but some very reasonable, such as renovation loss is reasonable. It is not reasonable to ask for more than 20,000 flats (because the cities belong to the fourth and fifth tier cities, the regional economic situation is there, and the multiple development within the city walls is driving cultural relic restoration). However, some elements have already stamped the weaknesses of the government. If the above rules in accordance with the rules go, in some ways we do not meet the local rules.

Decoration, floor, house price compensation. After the first compensation for demolition, relocation after the first placement. Demolition implementation notice, assessment, hearing, publicity process. Do not repose the tail room, partial room, angle room, disabled room, resettlement area new building adequate choice. The plaintiff actually wanted these.
In accordance with the Royal bright city was completed in 2011, housing ownership 70 years, people have settled down 6 years. This house is not called the stock room, are idle for sale, according to the rules of commercial housing, that is, the people pick the rest, have to sell a few fold cheaper room or non-superior housing.

The real compensation for demolition of buildings in the field is to demolish one square meter of building for one square meter and compensate for the part of house demolition loss (that is, the renovation price multiplied by the number of years of demolition). The residents purchased the floor Price, the demolition of the existing housing is the proportion of new and old areas to make up the difference.

The other side of the knowledge points are very common in the field are in line with demolition rules, but we local people also need to accept what, or when the day demolition of your home or relatives of your building, you will find it reasonable compensation. This incident awakened the sleeping people not to be too selfless. When you demolished your debts, you know or are compensated reasonably best. Although you support urban development, you have to comply with the rules of the game instead of ignoring the interests of the people in your own hands. Accept all improper arrangements. This matter, in addition to the asking price is unreasonable, the elements are reasonable.

For example, a home decoration took more than 100,000, after the loss there are tens of thousands, and do not resettlement housing directly to the cash compensation value of 3,000 square meters to any professional assessment of the country invited to come here is a joke it!
The real assessment of accurate estimates of the price is higher than three thousand high.
If necessary, the third-rate assessment of the country invited to institutions than the high level of three thousand one square meters.

Aston Villa era: To tell the truth downtown trouble is not bad, indeed the demolition of the poor people in the city, the yard is not square meters, off the house or small room, the garage gave some compensation for the pitiful are not square meters. Take a look at how the demolition of the rural areas; on the room, the next room, carbon room, the yard full of almost all of the lowest two suites, such as their parents' room at that time there is no shortage of land are large, the yard is large, That time is not all seven or eight suites which is less.

Datong is more famous, the turtle name finally finally dared to safeguard their own legal rights! Do not drag it for years like peace in the end!

Support rights, land 6350000 acres, nearly ten thousand of the price. So good location, in place to cover the sale of real estate how much money per square meter?

Who do not remove the house who do not know the pain, ordinary people can buy a few times life. The ancient city is a scarce lot of resources, can not be copied, interested can ask the cloud Street Street house to sell more money

The original relocated households should also be additional compensation

Regardless of their claims are reasonable, the emergence of this lawsuit itself is an improvement, is the progress of the rule of law, concerned about the results


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