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朋友,大家晚上好,我回来了! 相比刚刚到达四川时的情景,此刻电脑恢复正常工作状况,网路顺畅,空调招待,很舒适。 心中只有感激和珍惜。 接下来谈谈四川发生的事情:
2017年7月15日,我们一行16人,既兴奋又紧张地出发了。 经过26个小时的车程,我们终于到了大部队集结的地点——四川省南充市阆中中学
Friends, everybody good evening, I'm back! Compared to the scene just arrived in Sichuan, at the moment the computer back to normal working condition, the network is smooth, air conditioning hospitality, very comfortable. , The hearts of only grateful and cherished. Then talk about something happening in Sichuan:
In June 2017, I made a decision that I thought it was meaningful - to teach in Sichuan for two weeks.
July 15, 2017, we line of 16 people, both excited and nervous departure. After 26 hours of driving, we finally went to that large forces assembled place - Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, Langzhong Middle School.
世界上有一种说走就走的旅程,叫做青春,东西不用多,一个背包、一张火车票,足矣。 世界上有一股神奇的力量,叫做八方支援,当所有的星星靠在一起时,便聚成一团火焰,势必熊熊燃烧。 在这个热辣辣的天气,来自各大院校的学生们如约而至,只为奔赴这个不能错过的感恩之旅。我的内心非常激动,原来中国的热血青年那么多!看着他们一个个青春活力的样子,脑海里闪现一个词“满腔热血”。我很荣幸自己是他们其中的一个。经过两列火车的辗转,我们赶来时已是7月16号的下午6点,收拾好行囊后,火速整理所谓的舟车劳顿,以及处理所谓的饥肠辘辘。 | There is a world that left the journey, called youth, things do not have more, a backpack, a train ticket, enough. There is a magic force in the world, called the P Plus support, when all the stars together, they gathered into a flame, is bound to burning. In this hot weather, students from the major institutions such as about, only to go to this can not miss the Thanksgiving trip. My heart is very excited, the original Chinese youth so much! Looking at them as a youthful vitality of the way, my mind flashed a word "full of blood" after two trains were removed, we came when the July 16 is 6 pm, packed up after the rush to organize the so-called Pilgrimage, as well as dealing with the so-called hungry. |
Full of expectations, in the hot and hard dorm bed board fantasy next story will happen ... ...
To be continued
To be continued
amazing your post, I like your post, you are creative in choosing the object for you to make as post, this is very interesting, actually I also want to be able to make post like you but I can not, my post was until this has not been any development, hopefully You always succeed and get the achievement as you have hoped
Human life is time is limited, think of what to do it, I wish you live like yourself