所以非常超級無敵期待 (*´∀`)~♥
Recently, I was invited by Crowne Plaza Hong Kong Causeway Bay for tasting
Since it's Seafood Semi-Buffet Dinner, I can't wait to taste it~! (*´∀`)~♥
進入了食欲之秋後真的感到很幸福 (≧∀≦)ゞ 來看看皇冠假期的海鮮盛會半自助餐有甚麼看點吧!
It's so great to be in Autumn (≧∀≦)ゞ Come and see what's in it!
自助餐餐廳位於銅鑼灣禮頓道 8 號香港銅鑼灣皇冠假日酒店1樓~名為「Kudos」,不要去錯啊~
This buffet restaurant which named "Kudos" is located at 1/F of Crowne Plaza Hong Kong Causeway Bay (Address: 8 Leighton Rd, Causeway Bay, HK), Don't get lost~
Let's take a look at the seafood corner! The salmon is so big and fresh! Japanese rice is used for sushi, nice texture~
Apart from wasabi, you can also choose pickled cabbage and pickled steamed ginger.
不止生魚片任吃,就連超長蟹棒、青口、麵包蟹等海鮮也是任吃 ♥ 單單進攻這幾盤就已經值回票價了!
Not only the sashimi is on buffet, but also the super long crab stick, mussels and edible crab ♥ Having these on the menu is already get your money's worth!
就連Haagen Dazs雪糕也是任吃呢~
There is Haagen Dazs too~
Let's check the cooked food corner~ The Stir-Fried Crab with Garlic and Chili is so yummmmmy!
The Soft Shell Crab is crispy with the strong taste of onion and garlic, makes me eating one after another (haha)
If you don't like cold drinks, you could choose this thick Seafood Tomato Soup, or......
超滋潤的中湯-木瓜雪耳甘筍煲豬骨!最喜歡喝中湯了 ❤(๑¯∀¯๑)
Nourishing Chinese Soup - which is Papaya, White Fungus, Carrot and Sparerib Soup! I love Chinese soup ❤(๑¯∀¯๑)
這是加拿大牛肉眼扒配牛仔肉汁~絕對是牛肉愛好者必選!牛扒可以選熟稔的程度,因為我可以吃超生的牛肉,所以一向都是點5成熟左右(✪ω✪) 五成熟的牛肉還帶有一點點血,咬下去肉質鬆軟,配合牛仔肉汁,令口腔內充滿濃濃的牛扒香味呢~
It's so called semi-buffet dinner because you can order one main dish with many other food for buffet! Let me introduce the 3 must try main dishes~
This is Canadian Rib Eye Steak with beef juice~ It should be the first choice for beef lovers! You can choose the doneness, I always try medium (✪ω✪) A medium steak is with a bit blood, so tender, with the beef juice, the taste is so rich~
這款像心型設計的龍蝦菜式是焗芝士忌廉汁新鮮波士頓龍蝦~那烤得香口的芝士配上啖啖肉感的波士頓龍蝦,真的讓人無法抗拒( ♥д♥)我最推介這款菜式!
This heart shape lobster dish is Baked Fresh Lobster with Cheese and Bechamel Sauce~ The lobster with the cheese is just awesome ( ♥д♥) I recommend this the most!
And this is the French Seafood Stew, including half of a lobster, crab, salmon fillet, mussels and clams. The soup is very fresh and sweet! Since I don't like the cooked salmon (LOL), so I just enjoy the lobster (っ´ω`c)
我很喜歡這裡的甜品盤設計,非常明白少女心(笑)因為女生們總是對甜點沒有抗拒力,每款甜點都想試,而這個九宮格的甜品盤真的非常貼心,不但擺盤精緻,也可以滿足到女生們貪心的欲望 ❤(๑¯∀¯๑)
I like the deign of the dessert plate. It really catches a girl's heart (haha) Since girls just can't resist the desserts and want to try each kind of them, this nine-rectangle-grid designed plate is so thoughtful. It looks nice and satisfies the greed of young girls ❤(๑¯∀¯๑)
I'm so full, but still want to try some. That proves I'm a young girl (✪ω✪)
You can pick some Salted Dim-Sum. They look nice too, but dessert looks more nice in photos!
This Seafood Semi-Buffet Dinner is available from now till 30 Nov. The price for adult is HK$568, for kid is HK$368. Let's come and try it~
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