【开心一日不停 | Happy day doesn't stop -180525】

in #cn6 years ago

【1】意不意外-I don't mean to be surprised.

【2】DJ平时是如何练习的!-DJ usually how to practice!

【3】大兄弟,要不要我帮你追?-Big Brother, do you want me to chase you?

【4】后边的跟上,抓紧,别叫了,一会雪大了就回不去了!-Behind the heel, hang on, don't scream, a snow will not go back to the big!

【5】你有本事再吃一下!-You have the skill to eat again!

【6】兔子这种生物,逗比起来真是蠢萌得不要不要的!-Rabbit this creature, tease than up is really stupid Meng don't want to!

【7】这也是技能-It's also a skill.

【8】不能坑队友-No pit mates.

【9】大牛顶-Daniel Ding

【10】成精的鸡 -Cheng Chicken.

【11】别看我是小学生 -Although I am a pupil

【12】取暖 -Heating

【13】帽子,不错哦 -Nice hat, huh?

【14】一秒化妆 -One second makeup

【15】多猫猫 -Multi-Cat

【16】萌萌哒妹子 -Meng Meng's sister

【17】来玩个游戏 -Let's play a game.

【18】突然的伸手 -A sudden stretch of hand

【19】调戏 -Molested

【20】厉害了我的哥 -It's amazing.

【开心一日不停 | Happy day doesn't stop -180524】



下次注意点 😂😂😂