Steemit Weekly for CNers - Issue 04 / 《社區"週"邊事》 - 第 04 期

in #cn7 years ago

The Steemit Weekly series initiated by @deanliu and @wilkinshui aims to bridge the gap between the whole community and the CN-subcommunity by summarizing important events, projects, announcements and etc on Steemit in the past week and present them in a concise way in Chinese for all CNers to keep up-to-date with others out there. On the other hand, 25% of author's reward from this series will be accumulated for funding future worthy projects that aim to onboard more users from the worldwide Chinese using population. We sincerely hope that this little act benefits Steem as a whole as well as the development of Steem-CN for many years to come.

第 04 期 | 17 September 2017


SteemFest² Updates - New Names Announced - Spotlight: SteemFest Blockchain Hackathon announced - register now!

by @roelandp

Steemfest 又更新最新的出席名單了。目前的焦點人物有 @ned,Steemit 的 CTO @sneak,Jaxx的 CTO @charlieshrem,號稱 Jeff 神的 @dollarvigilante。當然還有不少Steemit的資深用戶。想知道更多出席者的詳情可以參照官網。而第一天的Steemfest 更加會有 Hackathon 的活動,希望屆時會看到多一些跟Steemit相關的設計。

STEEMIT 動向 / Apps 消息

The West Seattle SteepShot/Steem Billboard is headed to print! Should be installed & live within in 3 days.. Expected return: 101,031 Weekly Impressions!

by @decentralizd

你有聽說過 Steepshot 嗎?他們最近為了吸引更多新用戶,決定在西雅圖的公路上設置一個廣告版,每週預計平均有十萬人可以看到這廣告。如果我有一天逛街的時候看到 Steemit 相關的廣告在實體通路出現,我會非常感動呢!順便介紹一下Steepshot ,你可以利用它的手機應用程式,直接在手機上拍照然後上載到Steemit和大家分享,有點像Instagram的形式。你會喜歡這分享模式嗎,喜歡的話便馬上下載Steepshot 吧!

VORTEX.CHAT | NEWS 01 – Website


另一個運用 Steem Blockchain 研發的聊天室程式即將出爐。這個聊天室以安全性作為主打項目,你的信息不會因為被黑客入侵而遭到洩漏。這聊天室還會提供像Whatapps的功能,同時亦可以在不同的平台上使用 (Web,Android,IOS等)。目前官方網站已經建構完成,詳情可以看這裡

[UPDATED] Steemit More Info 0.9.1 - Chrome Extension + Firefox Extension

by @armandocat

你有使用 Steemd 或類似網站去得到更多關於點讚的資訊的習慣嗎?現在你只要把作者設計的小程式下載到你的 Google Chrome 或 Firefox便可以讓你在瀏覽Steemit的時候同時得到最新的點讚資訊。例如你今天已經點讚的次數,你的帖子被誰點讚,還可以立即知道點讚的權重和每一個人點讚給你值多少的金額。未來的更新還可能會提供一些圖表資訊讓你更一目了然。

[小編:當然,不是每一個人都想知道太多這樣的訊息,如果你也是的話,可以下載我們家 @justyy 設計的Google Chrome 插件。]

Bitshares 消息

Bitshares - State of the Network - 13th September 2017

by @steempower

再一次提提你,現在加入 Billion Hero Campaign 有機會獲得免費的Token,還沒有加入的還在等什麼啊。這可是免費午餐呢!

在數位貨幣的波動性提高的時候,筆者不忘指出 BitUSD 跟美元掛鈎的關係,如果你現時投資的風險太高,可以考慮換一點BitUSD去降低風險,等待投資環境比較明朗的時候再進場也不是一個壞的策略啊。

筆者引述 Coinbase 的文章,其中一個部分是調查大家對於 Blockchain 那一個方面的未來最為正面,得出的回答是去中心化的交易所,隱私和資產管理。在現時法規要求在續漸加強之下,去中心化的交易所未來扮演的角色將會越來越重要。



Each Steemian can own 714 STEEM to their name TODAY, and then we have run out of coins!

by @fyrstikken

作者認為我們現在應該把握 Steem 處於低檔的時期,買進 Steem 作長期升值的準備。作者認為在硬叉20 之後,開啟新帳戶的難度會減少很多,用戶數量會在那時候急升。作者根據 Steemit 官方的通脹率推算未來 Steem 的供應量和推測未來的用戶數量。他估計在2024 年,平均每Steemit用戶可能只有 0.46 個Steem,因此現在買入都會享受先行者的優勢,你會同意嗎?

Guide to Being a Good Witness

by @timcliff

相信大家也知道在 Steemit 當一個見證人的重要性, @timcliff 這文章說明如何當一個好的見證人。其中最直接就是開發一些應用程式去解決其他Steemian日常的問題。其他還有協助推廣 Steemit,例如在吸引新用戶的層面上或令 Steem / SBD 更加普及。當然還有如何協助社區壯大。

[小編:說到這裡,大家投了我們家 @abit一票了嗎?還沒有的話可以參考這裡。]

Steem Account Loan Project

by @virtualgrowth

前幾天Bitcoin下跌至 3000美元你有買入嗎?沒有?是因為沒有流動資金嗎?此作者正在試驗一個新想法。你可以把你的Steem Power 抵押給可信任的第三方,並借出一定的資本。欠款和利息可以以寫文章賺取的收益來還。如果真的還不到,第三方便會以 Power Down 的方法還給借款人。這是活用了財務智慧的一個構思,期待未來在這方面有更多更新。


〈社區週邊事〉是由 @deanliu@wilkinshui 發起合作,我們將會定期總結整個Steemit社區所發生的重要事件或項目進展等,例如Steemitblog的新公告,社區重要人物的談話,社區重大事件或活動,Steem重要Apps的發布與進度,其他Steem相關社區的發展新動向,或是一些界面的更新等。主要目的是希望協助各位CN區的朋友們,能夠以更有效率的方式掌握社區動態,讓大家能夠不只是來發帖賺錢,也不要只單單關注CN區內部的消息動態,好好利用這一平台的國際化特色,與其共同成長。另一方面,也期許大家多多以此為基礎,去向外互動與發展,促進CN區與大社區的和諧共榮。因此,本系列作者收入的25%將持續累積於 @angelfund,作為未來支持任何可以強化全球中文社群在此發展的專案開發項目。敬請支持並給予任何反饋建議。

accumulated fund to date, stored in @angelfund, is ... ( 106.374 SBD )

Disclaimer - images from respective sources. please notify us if you do not wish to share the image and accept our sincere apology for not asking you in advance as we do not have enough time to ask permissions one by one; logo and boarders designed by @nicolemoker.


amazing post i will feature u in my latest post as a worldclass chinese steemit post who embodies the coming wave of Chinese Steemit Posters who will create a new backbone of steem holders who will simply be one treason why steem price will double maybe triple! thousans of chinese who wosh to make extra money curating and who need to invest some steempower to do it!

支持支持,哇,被大神点名 真高兴。

@wilkinshui 你被叫大神了啦! ^_^

@wilkinshui 大神請follow and upvote me!


Congratulations @deanliu!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 7 with $ 200,28

totally knowledgeable
fantastic work
please keep posting

你好, 我想問一問BITSHARE那個Billion Hero Campaign是什麼?

這個billion hero campaign是一個協助大家認識數位貨幣的推廣活動,發起人也會投資100萬元的bitshares到這活動,屆時如果基本增長1000倍,便會分給大家。想知道多一點便快快登記吧 :)


Very informative post. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.




@deanliu,另一个非常有用的信息和宝贵的点,你分享在这个帖子第4号,你的想法和计划在每个帖子无疑是一个指导,每个特别是新的用户在steemian communty.thanks很多分享。

Great initiative, nice formatting, high aims and very good written-style is all that good post has in it. @deanliu, Your continuous support to the Steemit community in particular is highly appreciable.

Great work done, nice to read post!

那不是我们家的 @justyy吗?你不是有 @oflyhigh o哥了吗?

都是我們cn家的 :)


Has been successful

Congratulations @deanliu, this post is the most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 168 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $2768.85. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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good fantastic



Thanks for the great sharing!

upvote me too ... -_-

Thanks for reading :)

71% upvoted!


啊?上次的不好嗎?^^ 謝謝啦!


Thanks for sharing @deanliu
Iam resteemet your post...

nice work thanks for sharing

Hello @deanliu, I follow you, it's nice to me to know you, you also can follow me if you want, please upvote my post about Mars)


for difference world news updates and cryptocurency news update follow me now and upvote my post also coment.. FOLLOW @JIMMYS45




No doubt @deanliu is a hero of Steemian Community. The Steemit Weekly series initiated by @deanliu and @wilkinshui is most creative idea by Chinese people, which is appreciable. I must say that this will remove the gap b/w CN towards other world. Great stuff indeed. Best wishes from Pakistan!

Thanks, we have a wonderful Steem community to report.

why didnt translate all to english?

I suppose this is already a summary translation from English ones.

Congratulations, your post received one of the top 10 most powerful upvotes in the last 12 hours. You received an upvote from @abit valued at 65.02 SBD, based on the pending payout at the time the data was extracted.

If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, reply with the word "stop".

Nice work statsmonkey!

Total unbelievable,actually fantastic your post. Thanks

thank you for sharing...
let me follow you.
thank you @deanliu

That is appreciative and a very good step taken

非常好的周刊, 总结性强并突出重点,赞!!
