Impressed On the girl’s Calligraphy有感于娃娃书法

in #cn7 years ago


I went to my friend’s home by accident and saw her daughter’s calligraphy, the little girl , only about 10 years old , is able to write beautiful handwriting. Although the handwriting is still young and tender, it has been very successful in learning the state of calligraphy. She has been her own style .

Her mother said “her daughter began to learn the handwriting at the age of 7, and she’s not happy to do that first . so she had to take her to the children’s palace at the weekend and had the lesson with her daughter , practiced the handwriting together with her . Day by day , she has formed a habit , she practiced writing one hour at home every day, and went to study calligraphy at the weekend . Now it’s been three years .


Just beginning , the girl wasn’t used to sitting at the table to write , she can only sit down for twenty minutes , but when the teacher put her work on the wall and show it to her parents , she began to have the power to practice it . it seems that the teacher’s praise is very important to her .


Look at the girl’s handwriting , isn’t it wonderful ? Chinese calligraphy has a long history, but now, the popularity of electronic products has greatly weakened the children's writing ability. Not to mention the handwriting , the pens they are holding do not use them well , maybe in the near future, we can only see the calligraphy works of the electronic version.


Calligraphy has many advantages. It can cultivate the temperament of the children and edify their sentiment, which is the same as the classical art of the piano and the painting. It can cultivate the child's attention. And it also can let the children highly concentrated attention at the same time, but also strengthen the word practice.

In a word, there are many advantages of writing with brush , which lies in how the parents and children have the confidence to keep on. The little girl has been insisting on it for 3 years. Now she has formed a habit . Every day, she almost spends most of her time writing in addition to reading books , her action reminds me of one sentence and proves that it is true ! That is, "excellence is a habit". But people who are excellent are sure to have good habits, aren't they? From the child, I have seen her future!

Thanks for your reading and good night to everyone !

偶然去朋友家做客,发现朋友的孩子在练习书法,小小年纪,也就刚上四年级,但是写起字来确一点不含糊。练的非常认真不说, 而且已经初步形成了自己的风格。虽然字迹还是比较稚嫩,但从孩子学习书法的状态来看,已经很有成就感了。

我说,这么小能坐住练习毛笔字,真是不简单。朋友说,是啊, 刚开始孩子学习书法的时候也很不高兴, 那时候毕竟太小,7岁的时候开始学的,当时也是想让孩子磨炼一下心性,让孩子能够静下来,而且人如果写的一手好字,也是挺自豪的。每个周末带着孩子去少年宫上课,陪着孩子一起练毛笔字。渐渐的就形成了习惯,周末去学习书法, 平时在家每天练习一个小时,如果哪天作业少,可能练的时间更长。

小孩子最初也是坐不住, 不愿意写,刚开始练习坐功,能坐着写半个小时就不错了, 毕竟时间长, 孩子也累。一点一点的,孩子能坐住了, 而且写的时候还很有积极性,写完了, 老师会挑好的作品,装裱上,给大家看。墙上挂的就是同伴的作品。孩子的作品一旦上了墙,就有了动力,练的也更起劲了。

瞧,这小家伙写的还是很带劲的吧? 中国的书法有着悠久的历史,可是现在,电子产品的盛行,大大弱化了孩子们的书写能力,别说毛笔字,就是钢笔字都已经写的很潦草了,也许不久的将来也只能看到电子版的书法作品了!


总之写毛笔字的好处有很多,就在于家长和孩子怎么有信心有能力坚持下去。小姑娘算起来也坚持了3年了,现在已经养成了习惯,每天空闲时间,除了看书,就是写字,这让我想起了一句话,并证实的确是真的, 那就是“优秀是一种习惯”。但凡优秀卓越的人,肯定有好习惯,难道不是吗?从孩子的身上, 我已经看到了她的未来!

感谢您的阅读, 晚安!


Interesteing you have my vote

thank you all the same !

Thank you love your post and picture


thanks for your coming !


嗯, 是啊, 小孩子从小养成的好习惯受益终生!


哈哈, 你太谦虚了, 不过谦虚使人进步哦!


恩, 小孩子的坚持真让人敬佩和感动!


哈哈, 加油!


好的, 我去看看, 谢谢你的提名!