【系列】Sharding - Ethereum擴容方案簡介

in #cn7 years ago

關於以太坊現在面臨的問題討論,我們在前一篇文章Plasma - Ethereum擴容方案簡介裡面已經討論過了,我們現在就廢話不多說,來介紹第二種擴容方式,也是大家應該最常聽到的Sharding - 分片技術。

(圖片來源: https://www.ethnews.com)




如果你認真思考過現在Ethereum PoW的運作方式,其實是非常沒有效率的。儘管全世界的電腦都可以拿出來當礦工,這整個網路也會因為礦工的增加而提昇安全性,但是整體的運作效率卻無法因為礦工增加而提昇!這正是因為全世界的礦工,都試圖在做一模一樣的任務:認證同樣的交易。






我們多了一個叫做transaction group的單位,而這一個transaction group紀錄了自己屬於哪個shard(分片),以及發生這些交易的前後的分片狀態,如下圖所示:

更上一層的區塊鍊不再直接紀錄transactions,而是多筆transaction groups。

  • State root 紀錄了所有的shard的狀態
  • Transaction group root則負責紀錄所有的transaction group


Cross Shard Transactions




要知道,Ethereum雖然目標遠大,但是對於超越VISA這樣遠大的理想,Vitalik可是畫了5年的road map。這讓我們知道儘管這些概念看似簡單易懂,真正要實踐可是一番真工夫呢!


(再次跪拜小神童 )


You have received a @GrumpyCat flag because you or someone else sent money to buy votes from an irresponsible non-GrumpyCompliant service.

Some bots are acting irresponsibly by selling votes on posts very close to final payout. These votes are sneaky, not promotion and are most of the time placed on low value content.

Sending money to these bots is also financially supporting for-profit only posters (spammers).

To know what voting bot to use, refer to https://steembottracker.com/ and use those that have 3.5 day or less in the "Max Age" column.

@sneaky-ninja (by @michaeldavid) is reporting 6 day but is actually selling votes up until 6.4 days.

Important warning, since @sneaky-ninja has made no effort to comply in 3 months, it's vote will still be countered even should he improve his Max Age setting.

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@grumpycat now I get your idea...
Sorry that I somehow support this kind of voting bot, @sneaky-ninja, but I'm not using it for last minute up-votes. I used the bot to promote this post right after I published it, and I still get and big downvote from you, I don't think I deserve that.
Now I get it and I promise that I will switch to other bots in the future when I need them. Could you please remove the downvote? That will mean a lot to me as a creator on Steemit.
Thanks and have a great day!

恭喜你!您的这篇文章入选 @justyy 今日 (2018-04-09) 榜单 【优秀被错过的文章】, 回复本条评论24小时内领赏,点赞本评论将支持 @dailychina 并增加将来您的奖赏。

Congratulations! This post has been selected by @justyy as today's (2018-04-09) 【Good Posts You May Miss】, Steem On! Reply to this message in 24 hours to get rewards. Upvote this comment to support the @dailychina and increase your future rewards! ^_^

Ethereum desperately needs development to maintain its dominance amongst the other platform coins.

agree, now EOS and NEO are also on fire... But I think ETH still have one big advantage: it's the only blockchain that has been widely used and tested.

You got a 3.13% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @antonsteemit!

Earn 100% earning payout by delegating SP to @upmewhale. Visit http://www.upmewhale.com for details!


Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have just been defended with a 25.79% upvote!
I was summoned by @antonsteemit. I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...


A portion of the proceeds from your bid was used in support of youarehope and tarc.

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